Chapter 64

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Radhika's POV

I am so thankful to God that I have such a lovely sister in law and best friend like Sam. I don't understand what is that connection between us that drove her to me when I was having a breakdown.

"You know Radhika, one day Bhai had fell down from a mad horse that he had tried to bring back to heel."

"Oh my God! He actually fell down?!"

"Yes seems like that day, his brain also dropped on the ground where he left it."

I burst out laughing at that comment," Sam, how old was he that time?!"

"Must have been something thirteen or fourteen but he had reached uncle's shoulder so he thought he was big enough to ride a horse like uncle does. He picked out the most known brat in the stable and tried to ride him but that horse was no less stubborn. He fought tooth and nail to not to give in but Bhai is Bhai.....he stayed up all night trying to impose control over him and in the morning, the horse was licking his face. We all were very shocked by the sight but Bhai was as cool as a cucumber. He did what he said. He had made a statement that this would be his own horse." She narrated me the incident.

Why do I feel like I am the horse who had put on a big fight in the beginning and now has mellowed down?!

"He still has that horse?!"

"Yeah he does. He named him Ajinkya because he felt he is too brave and fearless unlike other horses." She chirped.

"What is the use?! He gave up in the end!" I am talking about myself more than the horse and I hate what I feel right now.

"No he didn't! He fell in love with a man who stayed up with him all night when people gave up taming him. Ajinkya craved for a friend because he was too lonely and maybe that is why he didn't like being ride on. He got a friend in Bhai that day." Sam explains me in a way that says Arjun is right even if he has done wrong.

What else do you expect from a sister?! Blood ties are thicker than anything else!

"Ajnkya should have fought.."

"Oh please Bhai would have stayed with that horse whole his life if that horse had not given up. I would have touched the horse's feet as to thank him for giving up otherwise Bhai would have turned older there itself."

I chuckled at her joke as to laugh it off but something sinks inside me. Arjun never gives up! That is his formula to success that he doesn't give up no matter how bad the situation is. He tried harder each time and until the victory is his!

Look at what has become of me! I have become a dumb little wife who complies with the wishes of her husband that I never wanted to be.

"Radhika, have you seen my watch?!" His voice filled me with rage. What is he doing here?!

I stare at him with disdain and every word, every hurtful accusation rings in my head and I feel full blown rage.

I won't give up and I am not the horse that gave up. I will fight back until he realises he can't treat me like that. No one deserves to be treated like that! I will make him realize his mistake. I don't wish bad on him because I still love him inspite of everything. Crazy, but true! I don't even wish for him to leave me because I know we are married now and that means till death do us apart pretty much where I am concerned. He also thinks the same, I know that.

I grip his hand and raise it to his eyes," Next time think of something better."

"Bhai did you guys fight." Sam seems to sense the tension in the air. She can tell from the way we are staring daggers at each other that things are not exactly rosy between us.

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