Chapter 67

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Radhika's POV

"What do I say?!" I ask him feeling both nervous and shy.

It is not as such that I have not been in this position before. I have been proposed in my college but when a guy who you love tells you that he loves you equally or maybe more. How do you react to that?!

His face twisted in a lopsided smile."I guess you are supposed to give an answer to the person when they tell you that they love you."

Oh my god! He wants to hear me telling him that I love him too. I have never done this before but then I realise it's a foreign feeling for him too. For someone like him it's more difficult to open up to me.

That's when I realise that when you love someone it's just better to tell them because that constant fear and anxiety about how they will react will end once and for all. I will tell Arjun that I do love him. Yes I will tell him but...

"Radhika baby, I..." He starts to say something but quickly swallows his words back when he hears footsteps behind him.

He actually doesn't even turn back and knows that nurse is standing behind him. So he walks to my side and stands near to me.

"Hello mam how do you feel now?!" She asked me politely.

"Much better." I reply with a smile.

I feel her staring at something so I follow her gaze and fume when I realise she is staring at my husband. I know my husband is a handsome man but that doesn't mean she can stare as she pleases. Feel free to look away!

Arjun is not at all giving her any attention which is good. He is looking  at me but something tells me that he knows that she is admiring his looks. How on earth will he not know?! He is Arjun at the end of the day. I know he can read people well.

"Actually mam your boyfriend has to fulfill few formalities." She informs in a saccharine tone.

Boyfriend! Seriously?! Okay I get it my nuptial chain is hidden under my hospital gown. I don't like her addressing him as my boyfriend. He is my husband and more than that I don't want to give her any hope that she can make a pass at him later.

"He is my husband not my boyfriend." I said sternly.

Arjun gives me a teasing smile and I know instantly what he is thinking.

"I will be out in some time." He tells her shortly.

I think this is the first time he talked to her or said anything since she is here. He doesn't like other people breathing down his neck. He prefers solitude over company. That's how he is.

"Can I just say you guys make a very good looking couple?!" She pays us a compliment.

Still I don't like her staring at my husband's chest. Why are his two buttons open?! He cannot put on a free show like that.

"Oh yeah and we are soon going to be parents." I say as I hint at my small baby bump.

"Well congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you." Arjun tells her in a plain tone.

She finally leaves us alone and on our own. I did not like her but I realise it wasn't her fault actually. It was natural and it happens. If a man like Arjun walks by you, you cannot help but stare at the perfection this Greek God has.

"So did I see the green monster lurking baby?!" He teases me.

"What does she think of herself to stare at you like that?! She was practically drolling! I was tempted to tell her to wipe the drool." I pursed my lips together in anger.

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