Chapter 62

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Radhika's POV

Nowadays I am trying to learn to cook a decent meal. Mariam aunty is an excellent cook and Sam can also cook fairly well and Arjun can also manage all by himself in the kitchen even though he thinks of it as a woman's job. That leaves only me who doesn't know anything about cooking. I will say I was overpampered in my father's house. I never had to lift a spoon.

"Mam now you have to add corn flour in this." The headcook filled me in.

So I am currently making Manchurian balls and noodles because I want to eat something that I have made all by myself though I doubt it will be good enough to even take a taste.

"Hello Radhika." Arg! What is she doing here?! I hope she is not here to pick quarrels because I am not interested to talk to her.

"What you want from me, Lily?!" I asked in a bored tone.

"Radhika, I know that I have earned this cold reaction by my own actions. I know we did not start on a good note but can we try to get along with each other?!" She gave me a pleading look.

A leopard never changes it's spots, Radhika. Don't trust her! My subconscious mind snapped at me.

"Lily, I appreciate your effort but we cannot be friends because Arjun had a past with you as minimal as one night or whatever. I am over that now but I can't be your friend knowing the fact that you still love my husband and you wish you were in my place." I made my stand clear politely.

"Fair enough. I am leaving, Radhika..."

"But where will you go?!" I asked worridly.

"Wow! You actually care for me." She exclaimed.

"I care about Arjun and even a blind man can see he still cares about you and wants you to have a good life." I made my stand clear.

"He loves you, Radhika more than anyone. He thinks it's just that you are different from all other girls but it's he who sees you differently. He has never taken a woman seriously in fact he has been demeaning to most of the women but he cares about your feelings a lot."

Okay so Lily is actually pushing me to see the good in Arjun but why?!
I don't understand this girl. Till yesterday she had sworn revenge on me and today she wants to be my friend. Also I will choke myself before accepting her friendship. Whatever it is, she is Arjun's ex and I can't accept her wholeheartedly.

I stare at her fixatedly,"I don't want to discuss this with you. Like I said I don't like you and I know that even you don't like me but we can be civil with each other for Arjun's sake. I will not stop Arjun from being your friend but you keep your hands to yourself and don't try to get cosy with him. Don't overstep the boundary of friendship. He is my husband and unlike you, I don't share!" I stated firmly but I couldn't help myself from adding a bitter taunt in the end.

I expected her to get mad at me but the least I expected was a full blown chuckle from her.

"Radhika, you are cute, you know?!" She continued as she closed up to me," Take care of Arjun and also yourself."

"You too take care Lily." My tone came out in whisper. Oh God! I can't believe she is seriously going away from our lives! Now I don't have to bother myself to worry about her. I think Arjun kept his word. I love him so much.

I instructed the maid to keep a watch on the food I was cooking and I sprinted to find Arjun. I asked one of the guards and they said he was in his study. Should I go inside or not?! What if he gets angry?! I entered inside any which ways.

He was half sitting on the table, studying some papers in his hand. I couldn't help myself from ogling over him. I can't believe he said that I will be the only woman in his life and he is kept his promise too.


He looked up at me and I signed in relief when he actually smiled a smile that must be making so many hearts pick up pace.

"Yes baby?! What brings you here?!"
I couldn't have missed the warmth in his affectionate tone.

"You are sending Lily away?!" I asked him, coming to the point directly.

He didn't answer immediately instead he kept the papers away and placed a paperweight on those. He walked towards me and stood in front, towering over me.

"She is going but not forever. She will come back but I have planned something for that as well." He said as he tucked the wisp of my hair behind my hair.

"You did this for me?!" I asked as I couldn't help the sweet hope blossoming in my heart.

He cupped my face and made me look straight in to his eyes,"I will do anything for you and my baby." He looked so earnest that I couldn't help the tears that pooled in my eyes.

I threw my arms around his neck as I couldn't resist the warmth of his arms any more. He held me closer as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Did you eat?!" He asked.

"No I was busy." I answered.

He pulled back," Busy doing what?!" He said in a bit of irritated tone.

My head lowered,"I am learning to cook." I said shyly.

He raised my chin to his eyes," You know you don't need to. I am any which ways very impressed." He cockily added.

That arrogant brute!!

I rolled my eyes," Why do you think I am doing this for you?! You are just so self obsessed, Arjun."

"Well I was the one who made this statement that you are a daddy's spoilt princess."

"Yeah but you never insisted that I should learn after that one day." I reminded him.

"I couldn't trust you to not poison my food." He winked!

I whacked on his arm," I can still do that." I threatened him.

"No you won't. You don't want to be a young widow, do you?!" He asked me in a teasing tone.

"Don't talk about dying, Arjun." I said seriously because I was feeling sick of this joke.

"Radhika, I was just...."

I cut him off,"I know but I don't like such jokes. I rather die before you see you dying." I admitted in a firm tone.

He grinned a goofy one,"Why? You love me so much?!"

Yeah I do love you but I don't have the courage to tell you that. It's almost like the three words are constricted in my throat but they never reach my lips.

I shook my head,"No I am very selfish in that case. I would have to live alone with no partner for the rest of my life. Had I been someone else's wife then..."

He placed his finger on my lips,"Don't you ever fucking think about being some other fucker's wife.  You are mine, all mine! Do you understand me?!" He asked while gritting his teeth. I fear some day his teeth will turn to powder by clenching words through them on daily basis.

He squeezed my jaw harshly," You understand me right?! You better understand or else you know what I will do with you, don't you baby?!" He added in a tone laced with honey but I know he wasn't being sweet at all.

I bobbled my head. I tasted my salty tears which I didn't know when they had flowed down to my lips. His iron grip on my chin loosened and I signed in relief. I would have got some nail marks on my face for sure. It's a difficult thing to hide something if it's on your face.

"You hurt me every time when I trust you." I said vulnerably as I felt as if my heart was clenched in a vice grip.

"You need to eat. Come let's go." He wrapped his arm around me paying a deaf ear to my accusatory tone.

"Arjun, I..."

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! You don't eat on time and you make me so angry at times and then you start with those fucking waterworks. That's what you women do always! You know nothing better than crying, do you?!" He screamed at me.

Tears swam in my eyes," Arjun, please don't shout at me."

"Fuck this! I am out of here." He stormed out of the study leaving me alone to break down.

To be continued.......

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