Chapter 81

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Radhika's POV

I descended down the stairs and as I reached my feet touched the marble, I shrieked as something pierced inside my skin and my tears betrayed my eyes. It felt as if something cut deep inside my skin. 

I limped to the nearby chair and plopped on it. I called Mary's name  but I didn't get any response.

"Mary, has gone to visit her son." Out of the blue Veer emerges from somewhere and answers me.

Perfect! Just perfect! When I need her then she is not there, Oh God! It is hurting so much.

"Ah" I wince as I try to pluck out the glass piece out but fail.

"Let me help you." He said as he kneeled down before me.

I rather suffer than have him touch me!

I moved my foot away," I don't need your help." I said rudely.

"Radhika, see its bleeding and there is no other woman in the house except mary, she is going to come tomorrow. Do you plan to paint the whole house with your blood?!" He gave me an 'are you nuts' look.

"Its my house and this is my foot so I will do as I please." I turned my face away from him.

As much as I want to be a stubborn, spoilt bitch, I know I have to take his help if I don't wish to sit on this chair whole day, holding my foot.

"Not a word more or I will have to tie you up." He said locking his eyes with mine and he gripped my heel tightly.

He examined my wound,"So you were telling me that day Arjun loves you and all so you think he will come back for you. I don't think so he'll come back even if he is alive perhaps he will forget about you and take another girl far more pretty than you."

Just the thought of Arjun with another girl drops my heartbeat to my stomach. I know Arjun loves me and only me but he is after all a man. A man thinks with his cock also and I know Arjun loves sex so much. Its like brushing teeth for him or even better, its like breathing. I stare at Veer distastefully and I realise I can't even hate him looking at his face when he reminds me so much of Arjun. My Arjun yes only my Arjun, He did tell me a number of times that what happens between me and him is beyond sex and I can't even compare him because he is the only man who touched me or ever will touch.

He won't cheat on me, I know he is a man of his word and more than that, his love for me is far more greater than anything. He will never hurt my feelings or break my heart intensionally, will he?!

This stupid man can say what he wants to say but I will not buy it. I trust my husband and he will do no such thing that will destroy our marriage.

I stare at him crossly,"Shut up! Arjun loves me and only me, his love is not like moon that changes  every day, he will come back for me and I know that. He has to come back because we are a family and a orphan like you won't understand the value of family.

Ah! I scream out in pain as he pulls out the glass piece and I realise he riled me up to distract me. Oh shit! I went too far when he said things about Arjun, this are not my values, I acted like a bitch and I shouldn't have called him an orphan but I think I will say sorry to him. I smile gratefully when I see him wrapping his hankerchief around my heel to stop the bleeding.

"I am sorry, Veer as much as I don't like you but I should not have called you an orphan. Its just that when you said that Arjun won't come back to me, I lost it because I love him so much but you will never understand because you did not love anyone." I say as I look down sadly.

I love Arjun so much and I must have confessed that at least hundred times since the time he is gone but I feel so heartbroken that not even once he has heard it himself. How will he react?! Will he believe me or not?!

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