Chapter 90

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Arjun's POV

Fuck! She looks so beautiful and I just want to make love to her and fuck her at the same time but I don't think so I should make any move after this conversation. She should not think that I just want to fuck her.

I kissed the tip of her nose and her eyes shone with a salacious glint in them. I hope it's not what I am thinking.

Her hand that was on my shoulder, travelled down to my chest, touching me sensously. Her other hand moved down on my back the way it does when I am inside her. Fuck! She is seducing me!

I held her hand that was touching my chest," What are you doing, baby?!"

She smiled, biting her lower lip,"You don't know what I am doing?!"

I gave her a smug smile," I know exactly what you are doing but you should sleep now, it's late."

She glared at me,"Its never use to be late when you use to fuck me till dawn."

"You are pregnant now." I say softly.

She glared at me,"No, you are bored of me! You don't want to make love to me anymore because I have become fat now....."

What the fuck, man! Like seriously?!

I cut her off,"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Do you even know how beautiful you are?! Do you know what it does to me when I see you carrying my baby?! You have no idea Radhika, how much I want to make love to you, how much I want to fuck you even in this state when I know I can't get rough with you."

She returned my gaze with a love drugged one," So be rough

" We can't, you are pregnant."I say in a restrained tone.

She pouted and I wish her mouth was enclosed around my dick.

"We can try and I know you won't hurt me."

Baby, you have no idea how much I want to be inside you.

I placed my hand on her pussy and smirked as I touched her glistening heat. She is so wet, so fucking wet!

" I want to pound you, I want to fuck you till you don't feel your legs anymore. I want to fuck you till you are weak in the knees."

I don't understand how can she think I don't want to fuck her because she has put on weight which she hasn't, I mean on the contrary she has lost weight and she wouldn't even look pregnant from behind.

I have to blame this on the pregnancy hormones which I have no clue about but I have to keep my patience but it just makes me angry when she thinks less of my love or shrinks it to lust. I mean she is a beautiful girl and yes, it started with lust but I was drawn towards her like no other.

She doesn't know this but sex with her is therapeutic as well, I mean I come from a world that is dark, ugly and selfish where either you kill or get killed. There are so many evil things that I have done to reach where I am today and of course there are no regrets because I was born in to this and it runs in my blood now but when I am inside her, feeling her warmth around me and her little legs wrapped around me, binding me to her, her hands on my back, touching me, scratching me, carressing me, I feel that there is hope for a fucked up man like me.

When I see her innocent eyes full of love and devotion towards me, I feel a bit less of a monster that I am in real. I feel that if a sweet and innocent girl like her loves me then maybe I am not the monster but I know my ugly truth very well.

Her love is so pure and so unconditional, when I think of the times I abused her both emotionally and physically, I feel ashamed for all of it. She stood by me and held onto me even when I gave her all the reasons to hate me. She held onto this marriage when I considered it a sham, when I did everything I could to insult her and our relationship yet she never gave up.

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