Chapter 60

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Arjun's POV

I stared deep into those beautiful almond shaped eyes and I feel this magnetic pull between us again. We are so perfect together, aren't we?! I know I said I will kill you if you think about betraying me but I have nothing to worry about. Radhika is a righteous woman and the most dignified being. She will never stray or cheat. I know I said a lot of wrong things in my anger but I couldn't think of her with some other man. She is mine, all mine. We will always be together.

I tuck a wisp of her hair and tuck it behind her ear," You are so beautiful, Radhika." You are not just a body to me but I know you mean so much more to me. More?! For the lack of better word, I am using this word more but I know you are priceless.

She is staring at me blankly. Yeah I get it I scared you away and you are angry at me. She just looks like an angry kitten with those puffed cheeks and cute pout. Cute?! Have I called any woman cute?! No I don't think so. Women were sexy, hot and in crass words, a piece of meat! Radhika is so flipping adorable.


Her voice breaks my trance.


She nestled in my arms with her head on my chest and her arm looped around my torso firmly, possessively I might add!

"Lily said I am stupid and gullible to trust you. She said I can't keep you happy and satisfied. You will get bored of me." Her lip quivered and I know she is close to crying.

Fuck! That fucking cunt! How fucking dare she?!

"Baby she is jealous of you. She is just trying to crop up problems between us. I am not going anywhere to anyone." I assure her calmly but I am bristling from inside. I need to have a word with Lily soon. She has no fucking right to feed my Radhika all this shit. What the fuck does she think of herself?! That was last straw! I will send her away sooner than later.

"But she said you need...."

I cut her off," What does that bitch know about my needs?! I need you to have a healthy pregnancy and not think about all this." I continue,"Can't you think about the baby and just be happy?!" I chide her.

That fucking bitch, couldn't get what she wanted despite trying her whole life and Radhika got what I didn't give to any other woman. She is jealous of Radhika and now I worry if my wife is really safe in our own mansion.

"I am happy, very happy but I am scared.."

You have no reason to be scared when I am there to take care of you.

"Scared?! You are scared of what?!" I ask her anxiously.

"That you will leave me or sideline me once your interest in me ceases." She says in a quiet whisper.

Holy fuck! My interest in her will cease?! She is gotta be kidding! Like seriously even now I want to take her rough and hard but I am not doing it because she is sore. She thinks, I will be bored of her. She is stupid to even think such a thing.

I raised her chin,"Baby listen to me clearly, I don't have interest in any women for that matter. For years I have done this shit. It was a stroke to my ego to have  women warming my bed and it was all about pure raw fucking nothing else. I never slept next to any woman after I had fucked her into weariness not even Lily. With you, I can't sleep without you next to me. I can't get enough of you. Even now I want to fuc....make love to you." I said the last line in a huskier tone. I said as I caressed her bare arms sensously.

She is quite as she can be but the curve of her tempting lips shift upward, as a languid smile breaks in on her pretty face.

I stroke her cheek," Did you ever think how the baby will look like?!" I will try to distract Radhika to the best of my ability.

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