Chapter 30

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Arjun's POV

Inside the magnificent towers of Mehra business capital, I was discussing things with Mark in my office.

Just then a man of mine stood at the door," Your Majesty, Sarika Sarin is here."

"You couldn't even last long for a month." Mark remarked with a evil glint in his eyes.

"In case you forgot, Sarika Sarin is also the best fashion designer of our country other than being my one night conquest." I replied angrily.

"Oh! How did I miss it?! Maybe because you called your ex to dress up your wife and sister."

"She was not my ex! Will you stop being a old grump?!"

I mean we never dated for her to be my ex. It was just one night, one fucking night!

"Should I send her in?!" The man asked me awaiting my command.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I hope she won't fall all over you."

I shook my head," She is a professional."

"Can I come in, Arjun?!"

My attention drifted away towards the door as I nodded in answer to the question the woman asked me.
Sarika Sarin was a very beautiful woman who I had encountered in a party when I saw her sitting at the bar, looking depressed and the reason was not an unfaithful boyfriend but she had left her father's house to make a career in fashion who wanted her to get a job suitable for her degree in engineering. I offered to buy her a drink and we ended up sleeping together of course I had made it clear it is going to be no strings attached.

I stumbled upon her designs the following morning and man, they were good so I offered to help her. I asked her why didn't she pursued the career she wanted and she told me that she didn't had the money for the expensive course in fashion. I gave her some money and forgot about it but she did not. After about 2 years when I bumped into her in a party, she reminded me of my kind gesture and at that time she was one of the promising fashion designers. Even Sam is a fan of her style and so I appointed her to design her clothes.

She swooped right in and gave me a hug," You smell exhilarating as always."

I parted away from her," Let's  get this over with.",

She turned to Mark," And who is this handsome man here?!"

"That's my uncle Mark and Mark, this is Sarika Sarin."

I always introduce Mark as my uncle even though we are not related but we don't want people to get suspicious about who we are and what we do for living so Mark is my uncle, Mathew is my cousin and Sam is introduced as a family friend.

He stood up and forwarded his hand for a handshake," I must say you are as beautiful as the clothes you design."

Why can't he be nice or aleast civil to Radhika or Sam for that matter?!

"And I must say you are quiet the stunner, yourself." She smiled.

"I think I will leave you two kids alone to catch up." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his gesture. He thinks something will happen, I am going to prove him wrong.

"So I am sorry for calling you here on such a short notice. Did you bring the outfits with you?!" I asked, switching from my courteous tone to my brisk, businesseslike tone.

"My assistant is waiting outside with the outfits, I thought you would not want your office to look like my boutique."

"The scent in your boutique is nauseating. Good! You asked him to wait outside..."

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