Chapter 58

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Arjun's POV

Now at the moment all my guest are seated in the hall with me and Mark. We are negotiating few points about our new deal just then a man by the name Ravindra stood up and asked," Is that your wife?!"

I turned my attention to where he was pointed out. Radhika and Sam were in splits as they were descending to the hallway. They were having some sort of a private joke that had them laughing so much.

"Yes she is." I gave him a short answer.

"Oh she and I were in the same college." He explained.

Somehow I feel there is something more to this story than he is letting on. His gaze is fixated on Radhika as he smiles perhaps going down in memorylane to revisit some past memory. I don't like it at all in fact I hate it. He has no right to look at her that way. She is mine, all mine.


She turns around as she hears her name being called out. Much to my own displeasure, she fights a smile that tugs on her lips in instance before it goes away. She knows him beforehand and now she is trying not to show it.

"So here you are hiding yourself, the prettiest girl of my college." He says in a conquettish tone.

Does he have a death wish?!

"I think we should proceed with the meeting gentlemen." Mark says in an attempt to divert my attention but I want to know what is the story between the two of them.

"Radhika, darling come here." I play along as I want to know what is so amusing to both of them that they can't stop smiling.

"How are you, Radhika?! Such a pleasant surprise to see you here but I never thought that you will be married off so soon. I mean what are you, 22 or 23 so soon that too with Mr Mehra." He throws a barrage of questions at her.

"Hello Ravi. I am good." She answers shortly completely aware of my angry stare that is fixed on her. She knows to behave herself after what happened with Mathew.

"And how is Neil?! I mean I thought you two were...." No complete what you wanted to say bastard.

Her eyes widened in shock as she heard him mention some Neil. She starts fidgiting with her dress nervously as her face paled in fear. She looks at me and I am seething with rage. I glare at her fiercely. She was with some Neil in her college days and this newly discovered juicy piece of information has shoot up my chagrin. I thought she was clean but how wrong I was!

"Forget it anyways congratulations on your marriage." He smiles at her and she nods her head and quickly scoots back upstairs.

"Gentlemen I think it's time for a lunch break. Why don't you have your refreshments?! We will meet after some thirty minutes." I stood up and ask them to disperse.

"Arjun, she is pregnant so be careful." Mark says as he had already read my face.

"I don't care!" I march to our room only to find her crying with some tissues rolling on the floor as she would wipe her eyes and throw them away.

"So crying for your destranged lover now, are we?!" I clench the words through my teeth that are chattering with rage.

"You misunderstand me, Arjun." She says as she shakes her head to express how honest she is despite the fact that she is a liar.

"Then why would that fucker link your name with that Neil?!" I ask her furiously.

"I don't know." She whispers in a daze.

"You are lying, you ungrateful little slu.." I swallow my words back in instance before I make

"I am not telling you any lies."

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