Chapter 53

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Radhika's POV

We all were sitting across the dining table together like any other happy family would. I am so happy but I try not feel upset with the fact that Lily is sitting far too close to Arjun than I would prefer. Though He has his full frontal attention on me.

"Radhika darling, I have a surprise for you." Mariam aunty tells me in her exuberant tone.

"Wow! What is it aunty?!" I add in an excited tone to match her level of elation.

"You love cheese so I made a cheese cake for you."

"Oh my God! Aunty I have never had one. Thank you so much!" I exclaim to accentuate my happiness.

She instructs a servant to bring her surprise and lay it in front of me for me to pounce on my cheese cake. I must have been a mouse in my previous birth to love cheese so much.

"Radhika, you are so lucky. Getting pampered by everyone. The perfect life, isn't it?! Sit at home, do nothing just wait for Arjun to give you his attention." Lily adds in a casual tone but the hatred is clearly visible in her eyes. She is shooting daggers at me with her forest green eyes. I feel cautious and protective of my baby so I cover my baby bump with my dupatta.

Her words downed my morale as I felt that I am nothing more than a submissive wife who waits for her husband to give her time. I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes.

Arjun stares at her hard,"Lily, that is how I prefer it. Radhika is in family way so she deserves to get pampered by me and by others." He says in a calm tone but one couldn't miss the ferocious anger laced in his tone. He is staring her down with his eyes and immediately her gaze dropped to her feet.

"But Arjun, I...." Lily butts in but he cuts her off.

"Don't you dare say that she is doing nothing in fact she is obliged to do the most important job that is to take care of my baby and keep him safe." He has now raised his voice. If looks could kill, she would have been lying dead right now.

"I think it's not good to keep the food waiting it will feel upset." Sam says in an attempt to throw water over the flame of fire that could have set all of us on ablaze.

"Arjun, I was just kidding. You know I bear no ill will for Radhika." Lily says in an apologetic tone.

"Lily, just be careful with your words next time." He tells her in a stern tone.

He turns to look at me," what are you staring at?! Common start eating and every last bit should be eaten from your plate."

I put a mouth full of my cheese cake in my mouth and I moaned as the cheese melted in my mouth," This is heaven! Aunty, I love you for this cake. Will you make for me again?!"

"Of course sweetheart." Mariam aunty replies benevolently.

Sam, Arjun and Mariam aunty are doing so much to make me happy I should not be morose about the scornful looks Lily is giving me.

"Arjun, I am full I can't eat more." I tell him wearily.

"You haven't eaten anything other than the cake, Radhika." He says in an objecting tone.

"But Arjun, i am full. I will throw up if I eat more." I tell him pleadingly.


Mariam aunty breaks in on him," Arjun, let her off the hook. She is pregnant and initially she cannot digest heavy stuff. Just let her be."

He nods and finally concedes making me smile big! Arjun has been overloading me with food everyday and I throw up triple if he makes me eat double.

"Guys so now that we will having a new member added to our family. Don't you think we should nickname him?!" Sam pipes.

"Yes but we call him baby right?!" I tell her.

"Yes but baby is so ordinary. We should call him something different." She replies excitedly.

"Sammy you have a lot of time to think about nicknames." Arjun tells her sensibly.

"God! I cannot believe I am going to be an aunt. I will teach the baby to dress up and make up."

"Sam, the baby is not going to play dress up and make up right after he or she is born. There is still time for that." I says between peels of laughter.

"Sammy it's going to be a he so keep your stupid thoughts to yourself." Arjun adds in a firm tone.

God, please let the baby be a boy. I have no confidence in Arjun being completely happy with the child being a girl. Just let him have this wish of his.

"Baby I have to make few calls so I will see you in a bit." He tells me in a warm tone as he leans down on me and kisses my lips lightly.

"Okay I will wait in the room." I reply back.

"You sure you don't want me to escort you to our room?!" He asks in a concerned tone.

He makes me feel so dependent and in a way Lily was right about me having that perfect life where I don't have to move a muscle. My chagrin shoots up and I end up making a mistake.

"Arjun, I am pregnant not handicap." I add sarcastically.

God! Radhika, watch your mouth. He is glaring fiercely at me and when his gaze cascaded to my baby bump, the storm in his eyes had vanished.

When he turns to go, I hold his hand and stop him. I should apologise right?! I was rude, wasn't I?! He was just concerned about me and I should not ignore our previous encounters when my sassy tongue got me in trouble.

"Arjun, I am....I am sorry." I fumble with words.

"It's okay baby but be careful next time." He tells me as he tucks a hairstrand behind my ears," You are very precious to me, Radhika don't make me something which neither you nor I will like." With that, he kisses my cheek and backs off.

I smile as I replayed his words in my mind. I am very precious to Arjun. Is it true?! Must be if Arjun said it himself. I am so happy to hear that from him.

Later I was waiting in our room for almost an hour but there was no sign of Arjun. He never makes me wait for so long. Before I knew, I was on my feet to find him. When I reached his study, the door was ajar and there were loud voices echoing on the walls of the room. I peeped in and blood drained from my face. I felt my whole world came crashing down. My eyes filled with hot tears and my heart broke seeing the sight in front of me. I stumbled back and recoiled from the horrifying sight. Everything is over! Over! This word reverberate in my head over and over again and the hurt multipled ten folds every time. My life is ruined and it is never going to be same again!

To be continued.....

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