Chapter 4-Her Dream And His Desire

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Radhika was lying on her soft comfortable bed holding her mother's photo frame. She held it close to her heart and tears rolled down her cheeks. She had been lonely not for a while but ages together. She felt a fatherly  affectionate touch on her forehead which made a small pleased smile crept on her face. She at once recognized her father's touch and intertwined her soft fingers in the gaps of his rough ones and whispered, " Dad, I feel so alone here, There is no one to talk and no one to listen to me."

Rehan softy pulled her up like she was a feeble rose and placed pillows behind her back and forwarded her the bowl of soup he had brought for her.He spoke in a soft concerned tone which he never used with anyone except her," Baccha,are you feeling well?! Should I call the doctor?!"

She shook her head," Nah I am just feeling disoriented and bored."

He stroked her chubby cheeks lovingly and said," And why z my rose feeling so?! You know you can tell me anything. "

She shifted her gaze to the window that was open wide and which allowed the breeze to linger inside her room. She chimed in a sad tone," Dad you won't give me what I want."

Rehan felt defeated for the first time in his life, for the whole world He was the cruel immortalized devil But he was a totally different person in front of his daughter. She was like the one beacon light in his darkened world. He could do anything for her one smile, He loved her to the moon and back, He pecked her forehead and said," Baacha just point your finger at whatever your heart desires and you will get it next minute."

Radhika earnestly replied," Dad, I want something which does not has a form. Its something we cannot be see with a naked eye but we can feel it when it touch our skin and creates goose bumps."

Rehan was puzzled by her demands. As much as he wanted to bring back the smile of his daughter. He also had to attend an important meeting in 2 hrs so He was running short of time.

He curiously queried," Bacchu, You know I am not a fan of riddles so please elaborate about whatever you want."

Radhika got up from the bed and slowly walked to the window and stood there peeping her head out.

She replied in a cheerful tone without looking at her Dad," I want to feel this fresh cold winter breeze on my face.
I want you to take me out, I want to feel the cold chilling water of a ocean and let it tickle my feet, I want to play my violin under a bright colourful rainbow in the sky. I know you allow me out of the house once a week but my feet are restricted to cross our lawn. I want to be in a place which will be long and wide enough for me to chase my shadow for hours together. I want to be free, as free as that bird sitting on the porch."

Rehan stood there shocked by her wish, He didn't wanted to displease her But He wasn't ready to compromise when it was about her safety. They had many enemies waiting to strike and Radhika was his weakness. He was dead sure someone will try to harm her or take her away from him to bring him on his knees so he tried to reason with her," Baachu, ask for something else anything you can think of I can give you But you know I can't risk your safety."

Her facial expression saddened in a flash and all she felt was emptiness clenched in her heart. Sometimes she questioned herself how she survived in the sorrowful loneliness she felt in this big house which was practically her home But somehow it didn't feel like one. She always believed home z made with love and do or die attitude towards each other But in this elegantly designed mansion which was no less than any king's palace, she felt forced togetherness and cold demeanour towards each other but she knew that she was loved deeply by her Dad and brother.

If only her love was enough to change them for good then she wouldn't have to wish for anything else. She could make out her father was waiting for her response so she spoke in a low tone," Dad I don't want anything else."

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