Chapter 28

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Radhika's POV

He stripped me off my clothes and took a good long look at me embarrasing me with the way his orbs were penetrating inside my body. He kissed me softly with his lips sucking mine with passion.
His soft carresses, tender kisses and unusual shower of something close to love took my breathe away.

I looked into his eyes for the first time when we were about to have sex because I never had the guts or rather I didn't want to look at him because all I saw were his icy cold eyes which held nothing to offer me!

But today he was staring at me with rare warmth and he even smiled at me not in a condescending way but a real one!

He cupped my face and kissed my cheek deep before he entered inside me. I winced at the sudden intrusion but the way he kissed me and his fingers played with my hair calmed me down but also put me in a maze.

What is wrong with him?! He is never like this! God, if this is a dream then please don't let me wake up from it. My eyes were moist with the way he was filling me up slowly and not rushing in like he usually does.

If this is some dirty game of this then I don't think so my heart will survive that!

But he had said that he doesn't make love, he only fucks hard! His statement in the morning was completely contradicting him today when he was so gentle with me as if I was made of glass that I will break.

"Are you making love to me, Arjun?!"

There! I finally asked him because I couldn't fight my inner self anymore that was hungry for answers.

He looked away for a minute and then he turned towards me again," I guess I am, you wanted me to make love to you so...." He fell short on words perhaps with the way he paused and looked clueless.

"You fulfilled my wish?!" I asked, in bewilderment.

"No I did what I did for myself! I wanted to see what is so great about making love."

Was he trying to mask his nervousness with arrogance?!

He looked cute with the way he was defending himself or rather was embarrassed if I knew him any better.

"You have not made love to any..."

"Now what did I tell you in the morning?! I must say you are very forgetful!"

"Then why me?! Why did you feel that you should make love to me?!" I asked him as I looked him in the eye.

"You are my wife. Now no more questions. Go to sleep. We have a party to attend tomorrow." He shut me up with a kiss and turned over to the other side.

"Come here." He extended his arm to me and I shifted closer to him," I still like fucking the daylights out of you but we can do this sometimes. It's not so bad." He said in concession as if he was negotiating with me or rather convincing me.

I looked up at him and cupped his face," Are you playing me, Arjun?!"

He climbed on top me again scaring me," If I was playing you then I would not have compromised with my rules and preferences for you. Don't make me mad, thread carefully and we will be fine."

"Do you mean you are giving us a chance?! Our marriage...."

"Do I need to spell out each and everything?! Go to sleep! Don't irritate me, I have to get up early." He flipped over to the other side and with his hand resting behind his head, he lied down with his eyes closed but I know he was wide awake, he was just shutting me out.

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