Chapter 48

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Radhika's POV

There you see that miniature ball like thing. That is your baby."

"Doc don't call my baby a ball like thing!"

I can't help but smile seeing Arjun reprimanding the doctor for calling our baby a ball but she was just trying to make us understand, wasn't she?!

"Arjun, it is not a baby until it is fully developed it's a fetus right now." She tells us in 'I know it all' tone

"It's my baby you are talking about not a fucking  fetus." He tells her in a hyper tone.

"Arjun, please....." I try to intervene to stop them. This is insane! What is a big deal about her calling it what it should be called at this stage?! I mean she isn't emotionally attached to the baby, is she?!

"She is doing it purposely to irritate me." Arjun says like a petulant child.

Doctor finally smiles,"Yes guilty as charged. I never imagined you having this kind of life but I am very happy for you. There was a time I was only called for emergency contraception and here we are in my clinic for your first baby."

Emergent contraption?! So he use to take care that he doesn't make his mistresses pregnant. I feel hurt because this juicy piece of information that she just dropped, accentuates that he had sex with other women too.

"Yeah I never thought this would happen one day." He says as he is fully drooling over the big screen. He has something in his eye! Is he crying again?!

"Arjun, are you in tears?!" She beats me to ask the question.

"No it's just something went in my eyes it's dust maybe." He replies nonchantly.

"Arjun, I know better. The last time you cried must have been when we met for your mother's funeral. What a great woman!" She exclaims as she smiles jubilant smile.

"She was indeed but...."

She cuts him off,"Arjun, you must know that your mother is at peace finally. She is happy up there and watching you from the heaven. She is ecstatic that you are going to be a father soon!"

I give a slight squeeze to his hand that is entwined with mine since we are here. He looked at me with moist eyes and a smile broke on his face. He kept his other hand on my stomach which has a tad bigger pouch for a six weeks pregnant woman. He has been amazing so far. It is unbelievable but he has been literally following me everywhere since he is working from home. It is a bit stifling but more endearing. Sam has been over the moon as she has started hunting for names and nicknames to address the baby. I told her she has plenty of time until the baby is here. Only person who is less happy is Lily. I tried to make amends with her because I know she isn't going anywhere soon but she told me she doesn't want to talk to me. I told her if that makes her happy, so be it. I don't want to bother her until she bothers me.

"Can we take a walk?!" He asks, out of blue.

I make a face," With your army of bodyguards following us, no thanks!"

"No just you and me they will maintain a distance from us." He smiled in concession.

We walked on the street alone, hand in hand, there was a breeze sweeping across our pathway maybe wishing well on us. I absolutely love it. I feel we are like an old married couple walking together, holding onto each other in the last stage of life but I know it's not true. We stopped at a flower shop where he brought a bouque of lillies and I thought he is going to give me flowers but no he held it with other hand as we entwined our hands together.

"We reached." He said shortly.

It's a graveyard. Why are we here?!

We walked inside and I was caught up unaware of what is happening and what is to happen next. We stopped at a tomb which read Martha Mehra.

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