Chapter 14- Shoot Me Radhika!!!

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Radhika felt the whole house was a maze, there were so many rooms and every room led to other by some door. She just then caught notice of a room which was locked and all the rooms Mary had taken her to had metallic frame and a password screen on them.

She threaded towards that wooden door but Mary caught her hand and shook her head," No that room is forbidden Don't ever go there."

Radhika furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and queried, " Whose room is that?!"

Mary answered," Martha madam's, Don't ask me more questions. I don't have liberty to answer."

Radhika nodded understanding she had sworn to discretion and walked along with her as she took her down towards the hall again.

Arjun who was sitting with mark playing chess glanced over at Radhika who climbed down the the stairs.

He turned to mark and spoke," I think we should have dinner now."

Mark nodded and squealed in excitement, " My boy I have asked them to cook your favourite."

Arjun," Let me guess what it is?! chicken tandoori."

Mark did a thumps up sign," Bingo."

But he frowned looking at Radhika and spoke gritting his teeth," What will your brand new whore have?! "

Arjun clenched and unclenched his fist to control his rising chagrin. He just wanted Radhika away from there so Mark wouldn't get any opportunity to taunt her.

He marched over to Radhika and spoke in a hard thick tone," Mary will take you to my room and you don't come out of the room, is that understood?! "

Radhika in a low tone," Why can't I have my own room in this big house of yours?!"

Arjun glared at her and spoke fiercely, " Because you are my wife and you stay with me. now get lost!"

Radhika signed in defeat and left with Mary who led her to Arjun's room

Arjun turned to Mark and asserted," Today only you and I will have dinner together like the old times."

Mark cocked his eyebrow up and asked," What about that new wife of yours?!"

Arjun answered, " She will have it later in her room."

Mark exclaimed," Good! Very good! Aas it was unbearable for me to stand her."

Arjun gave him a small smile agreeing with him but his reasons varied from what Mark assumed them to be.

After the dinner Mark led Arjun to their study and spoke hastily, " Now spit out your fucking reasons for marrying that mudblood!"

Arjun raised his finger and warned," Mark don't use that language, I will tell you everything, I married her to make her life hell. She is Rehan's heart and right now I have his heart at my feet so I could crush it every day."

Mark signed, " Fine, I understand you did this to leave Rehan shattered but then did you defiled her?!

Arjun nodded mesmerizing the flashback of last night when he took her roughly under his mercy.

Mark sardonically replied," You hit the Jackpot! My boy, now she is of no use to us. We have Rehan in our custody and we will torture him to death. We should get rid of her, there is an auction being held next week where the beauteous woman are being put on sale, you will get a good price out of her. She is both beautiful and innocent and believe me such exquisite pieces make very good money but we don't need money, we want her humiliated among hundreds of men olging at her then Rehan will understand your pain. You just imagine she being left alone in hundreds of hungry, greedy jackals who will bid on her to ravish her dry. You had your fun now let others get this opportunity too. I am sure once this happens she will be a living dead."

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