Chapter 26

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Radhika's POV

 I threatened him," Don't come any closer! I will cut myself!" I said as I placed the blade firmly against my left wrist.

"Look...Radhika...don'!" He said in a frightened tone as he tried to calm me down but I will not have any of it. Not anymore!

"You want to marry again?! Fine! But I won't live to suffer another humiliation!" My voice came out in sobs as I wept inconsolably.

"I don't want to marry again, I told him that and I really don't know why he brought it up again." He tried to explain me desperately but all I could think was how he made it clear to me that he will have as many women as he wants on the day of our wedding.

You are nothing to me!

You are just my wife for namesake!

I married you to avenge my mother and  to give you one hell of a life!

I can have as many women as I want!

He is faking it, he has been faking it all along, all the care, the sweetness, every damn thing! He wanted to lure me in his trap and break my heart and crush my soul! He wanted me to feel something for him and then he had planned to make me witness him marry someone else! He is such a despicable human being, I can't believe I even felt something for this man!

"No! You are lying! You want another wife, don't you?! You are done with me  so now you want someone new!"

I can't believe I was so stupid to fall for this. No wonder he always is successful in making a fool out of me! But now nothing can hurt me anymore because I am going to end this once and for all. I will just die and end this suffering forever!

He tried to come closer to me but I backed off,"Don't be stupid, Radhika. Give me that blade!"

He thinks he can still order me around after what he did today! He has the audacity to call me stupid when now is the time when I have finally seen him for who he truly is. A cheater, a manipulater, a monster, a low life!

" I SAID GIVE ME THE FUCKING BLADE!" My whole body shook violently at his screeching tone and the next minute the blade was forcefully pulled out of my grasp before I could do anything.

The next thing I know was that I was pushed back to the wall behind me and he throttled me! I struggled to get free as I couldn't breathe at all. I felt like a fish out of water as he kept tightening his grip on my neck

"If I wanted someone new, do you really think I need to marry to fuck someone?! Answer me!" He barked.

I shook my head to answer as I could not speak with him choking me!

I was completely out of breathe and I feared for my life but just then he set me free miraculously.

I gasped for breathe as I tried to calm my pounding heart in the my chest.  I leaned against the wall for support as I tried to inhale as much air as I could, he scared was an understatement, he made me feel how it feels to die in that few minutes when he was strangling me!

I was so frightened to even look at him. I slowly peaked at him and I was petrified by the way his whole body was shaking in pure, unadulterated fury! He was so mad at me that he could hardly look at me.

"You are so fucking stupid! I can't believe I am standing here talking to you!" He was pacing back and forth.

"You will not marry again?!" I asked in a small voice.

That was a wrong move because it only infuriated him more as he raised his hand and I covered my face to to save myself from the blow. He would have broken my jaw had he slapped me!

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