Chapter 61

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Arjun's POV

I was wide awake while Radhika was fast asleep on my chest. I shifted her to the side gently and covered her with the comforter. Many a times I have just seeked pleasure from watching her tucked in my bed, tired after being fucked thoroughly by me. Fuck! I have a ravenous desire to just wake her up and coax her to make love right now. I am an ass by no default! My wife is sleeping and all I can think about is getting laid.

I chose to get my head out of gutter and look away from her. She is pregnant and your wife. She is not some whore for you to treat her in a degrading way. I left her alone in the room to sleep for some time. She is not getting any sleep since she keeps waking up to throw up all the time. I am so thankful that rules of nature don't allow men to get pregnant. I wouldn't like being a women either perhaps I will meet an asshole like me.

I sprint to my gym and work out with my loyal companion, none other than Mark. He is very quiet and If I am not wrong he looks disturbed to me.

"What is it, Mark?!" I finally asked.

"It's Raahil Mishra, your brother in law. He has crowned himself as the king of his empire and I have a feeling that he won't sit quiet."

His jaw was tensed and by his troubled look I could tell that there was more to this story than he was letting me know. I had also stumbled upon some rumours that he was teaming up with someone to avenge his father. I needed to send someone in his camps so that I will know what is going on in his head.

"Well there is only one king and it's me. I have something in my mind but it's too risky." I said as I scratched my jaw stubble. I like to keep some jaw stubble but I was never a fan of moustache.

"What have you planned?!" He asked me.


Mark is going to be irked if I tell him the full thing but I won't. I will tell him only the half plan.

"What about her?!" He asked me incredulously.

"Answer this do you trust her?!" I asked him.

Of course I know he does have a soft corner for Lily. I still remember how little lily use to make him squat down on the floor and then she would put her hands in his pockets to check if he kept any chocolates for her.

"Yeah I mean kind of. I have seen her grow up and she was a nice girl but you motherfucker couldn't keep your dick in your pants, could you?!" He sneered.

"Let the bygones be bygones. Lily can help us trap Rahil. I mean she can tell him that she wants to avenge her humiliation. I am dead sure he will buy it. He is not like Rehan who doesn't even trust his own shadow. He is too trusting and stupid in my opinion." I advocated.

"How will your wife handle this?! I mean it's her brother. She will fight tooth and nail in front of you to spare his life." He warned me.

As if I don't know that I married a saint but I have my ways to tackle my wife.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Ignorance is a bliss." I smirked.

"Why are you seeking lily's help?!" Of course he doesn't wants to endanger Lily's life but I have no such qualms. I will be just sending her away for a while until she gets over her big bad heartbreak. Meanwhile I am going to hunt a good guy for her and get her married to him as soon as she comes back from her mission. I have had enough of her temper tantrums that hurt my wife and will indirectly hurt my baby.

"Well it's simple I am killing two birds with one stone. Lily will be miles away from my Radhika and she will also help me subdue Rahil." I gave him a smug smile.

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