Chapter 84

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One month later

Radhika's pov

"Radhika, eat your food it's been almost fifteen minutes since the plate is put in front of you."

I looked at the food with disinterest and pushed it away," I am not hungry, Mariam aunty."

She shook her head," You are pregnant, Radhika, how much nutrition do you think your baby is getting if you keep starving yourself?! I have to literally force feed you to make sure you eat something aleast."

I ignored her chastising me and stayed quiet, not really interested in what was happening around me. I had withdrawn from everything, I had lost the will to live. If not for this child, then I would have done something to myself!

She started to feed me, talking to me about various things trying her best to engage a conversation with me but I seldom replied.

After feeding me, she picked up the plate and left me alone with my desolate silence that had consumed my entire being.

One month had passed and there was no news about him. It's as if he vanished in thin air as if he never existed. I was a lifeless body just breathing and passing my days with no life left in me. He bargained his life in exchange of my and our child's life. This must have been the most selfless thing he ever did but now I have to live this hopeless life to bring up our baby.

I tried to get things out of Mathew but he had sworn to secrecy and he never revealed anything. I knew they knew something but they could not break it to me. I didn't try harder because I didn't had the courage to hear that he was no more! I can live in my denial, that is still acceptable but I won't be able to breath if I hear, his has stopped.

"Radhika, it's Arjun, they have found him." Mark said as soon as he entered inside.

"I want to see him." I jolted up from my seat.

He nodded his head, both of us have buried our differences and accepted that we need to be together for Arjun. It's not like he has suddenly warmed up to me because he has made it clear that Martha Mehra was his rakhi sister and he cannot be nice to me but he will be civil with me. 

After an hour long drive, we finally reached the hospital and a minute had not passed since I stopped praying. I want him back at any cost, please God if I have been a good person, give him back to me. Give me back what is mine please God, you took away my mother but you can't take him away.

As we entered the hospital premises, Mark filled in the receptionist about who we were looking for. They informed us that he was in room no 104 which was on third floor. We took the lift and in no time we reached room no 104, with shivering hands I pushed open the door.

My breath was caught in my throat when I saw him, lying on the bed with bandages covering most of his body.

"Arjun." Words failed me as nothing came out of my mouth except his name.

"Radhika." He said, opening his eyes, his beautiful face marred with bruises.

I rushed to his bedside," You are alive! I thought....." I sobbed, holding his hand bringing it to my face.

"Not a chance! I had promised you and Arjun never breaks a promise."

"How did all these happen?!" I asked him, shaken by what was before me.

"He had planted a bomb in our house and he wanted to burn everything down. I jumped off the terrace....."

I cut him off,"You what?! You actually jumped off the terrace?! You could have died...."

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