Chapter 39

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Radhika's POV

I stood in front of the mirror, a painful reminder of what happened last night. I was wearing full sleeves to hide my bruises. My behind was sore from his brutal fucking. Only my face was devoid of any marks or bruises. He had left the bed before I got up. I saw red finger markings on my neck. Oh shit! I need to hide this too. I fished inside the drawers to find a necklace wide thought to cover all the blemishes on my neck. I found one which I did not wear till date. It was white metal with diamond studded in it adding to it's beauty. He had brought it for me the other day. Though I had sworn I wouldn't touch it here I am trying to hook it from behind.

I was busy staring at my pale face in the mirror when I saw his reflection in the same mirror.

He charged towards me and held me by my shoulders," You look beautiful."

I muttered in a small tone, "Thànk you."

"Are you still upset about last night?!"

He has guts to ask after what he did to me last night. Upset?! It will be an understatement of century if this word is used to describe the turmoil inside me.

"Look I am sorry I guess I went too far."

I turned towards him with a jerk and screeched," You're sorry?! You used your belt on me for how many times, I have no clue about. You wrote your name on my body as if I am some possession of yours. You had brutal sex with me which almost killed me. And you're here telling me you are sorry. You made me lose all my hopes last night. You know despite myself I was hoping you'll change....I was seeing a future with you in spite of what you did to me. I was trying to forgive you. Last night you killed all those hopes. You stamped on the pieces of my broken heart. I was trying Arjun, really trying to accept you but you ruined everything yesterday. What did you say! Upset?! You have no shame! You humiliated me in the worst way I could ever imagine and you are asking if I am still upset over last night. I hate you, Arjun!"

He laughed sadistically," You think I care what hopes you had woven in your heart. You are so delusional. I don't care what you feel for me, Radhika. You are my wife and your duty is to please me in bed not talk and think about this stupid fantasies. About last night, whatever happened was the outcome of your actions. It was your punishment. Get over it and find something better to do. Also if you breath even a word about yesterday to Sam, I'll whip you!"

My eyes widened in horror as I started trembling. I was about to fall when he held me in place. He turned me towards the mirror and hugged me from behind.

He said in a soft voice,"Radhika, look at yourself in the mirror. What is it that you don't have?! You are a queen stop thinking like a decrepit rape victim. You are lucky that you got a husband like me who showers with you with gifts every now and then. Look at the beautiful woman looking at you from the mirror. Do you recognize her?! Remember the day I brought you here . Your clothes were dirty and soiled by the mud. You had barely anything in name of jewellery on your body except a filthy bracelet that bastard gave you. Today you are standing here wearing the most ethnic jewellery which can buy you a house if you try to sell it in the market. You know something?! This is my mother's.....This is one and only piece in the whole world. You won't find it's twins anywhere because there aren't any. Look how beautiful you are. You are an enigma! You know I use to hate you a lot not because you are Rehan' s daughter but also because you have something I didn't....A heart! You got a privileged childhood and I had one hell of it because of your motherfucking father. Then I started caring for you. That feeling was something I had experienced for the first time in my life towards a woman who was not my mom and my sister. I hate to admit it but I do care for you. That is it. Nothing more, nothing less.

No you don't care about me! We never hurt the ones we care for. I am just an object for you to possess.

He started kissing the back of my neck and his hands sensously caressed my waist. He said between his kisses," You know Radhika, why you are so different from any other woman, I have been with?!"

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