Chapter 74

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Arjun's POV


I woke up screaming my lungs out and tried to sit up but I couldn't. I opened my eyes to a small cottage. I looked around myself and signed after seeing Mark seated on the floor. I also noticed Mathew standing crosslegged, holding something.

"Don't get up, you need rest." I heard Mark say as he was already on his feet rushing to my side.

"Radhika?!" I asked him in one breath.

"They have her. The last thing I heard was she fainted and she was taken back to her father's house. I will try to find out about her health." He said.

Fuck! They have her! This means she is in danger. I cannot fucking lie here as it's a disaster waiting to happen. I can't let anything happen to my Radhika or my child.

"Who shot me?!" I asked as I pulled my hair in frustration.

"I did. It was only to save you. I shot you in the back and dragged you away to safety before they could take you. I called Mathew for help and we couldn't take you to some health care, you know why." Mark said as he handed me a glass of water which I gulped down in one go.

I nodded as I knew if they had then Rahil would have had his hands on me.

"Fuck! I can't sit still. I can't rest here, she needs me. I need her and the baby..." I paused and panicked," Oh my God! What if something happened to the baby?! Why the fuck did she faint?! What if they kill her?!" My mind ran in overdrive as I couldn't think straight.

"They won't. Rehan and Rahil love Radhika still and he was just bluffing when he had her at gunpoint. You can't paint your hands with your own blood."

"But they can fucking kill the child. I want Radhika and my baby both." I said petulantly.

"You're right. They can cause harm to the child as they don't want it." Mathew stated.

If Rehan thinks he can fuck with me with his boytoy and that choir of his, he has something else coming for him. I will fuck him over so bad this time that he will regret the day he decided to mess with my family.

"What about Sam and mariam?!" I asked worridly.

"They are safe but Sam has been beside herself. She is begging us to let her meet you but you know, we can't take any chances. She knows that you are alive and also that Radhika is with them." Mark said as he gave me my meds.

"Good. Just tell her I love her and I will meet her when the time is right." I replied as I rested my head back on the headboard.

"I will. So what do we do now?!" Mathew pitched in.

"We need a plan. A full proof plan to break in their territory but before that we need to contact our people and fill them in about everything." I replied without looking at him.

I felt too tired physically, mentally and emotionally. I felt all the energy was sucked out of my body and I felt dry. I knew I had my people looking up to me with hope but I was just too drained out. My brain was too clogged to come up with any smart move.

"It's going to take time, Arjun. We can't disturb the waters right now they are still searching for you. If we make any movement right now they will know that something is not right." Mark intervened.

The fuck he is asking me to wait! I can't wait when I know that any of my loved ones can get hurt. What if Sam's location is discovered?! What if this all takes a toll on Radhika's and baby's health?! I can't sit still when I know my whole world can be crushed to smitterins if I don't do anything to stop it.

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