Chapter 85

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Arjun's POV

"You think he will be fine?!"

"Of course, he is Arjun. He has taken a bullet in his heart for me years ago, if he could survive that I am sure he will get over this."

"It was a close call, Mathew. Thank God! He fell on the grass and just broke his ribs and a hand."

"I think he had calculated the height in his mind and you know how smart he is, he had estimated where he is going to fall and at the most, how much will it cost him."

"Why isn't he waking up?! There is no brain injury...."

"I don't know."

"Radhika is beside herself, she isn't eating anything in fact she hasn't eaten anything since last night."

"I could care less about that girl but I do care about his baby so tell them to force some food down her throat."

"He is alive because of her, remember how he was when we brought him in, he wasn't responding to the treatment it's only when I started talking about her, he started responding to the treatment. She kept him alive!"

"You are her fan, aren't you?!"

"She is so perfect, the perfect wife for him. You know how possessive, controlling and aggressive he is, she is the calm to his storm. I hope he wakes up before she starves herself to death, she is barely eating anything."

I could hear Mark and Mathew's conversation and I was worried sick now.

Starves herself to death?! Fuck. She is not eating well! What the hell! Has she lost her mind?! Stupid girl, so stupid and thoughtless. What will happen to her if she continues depriving herself of food?!what will happen to our baby?! She needs me! My baby needs to me! I can't be lying here on this hospital bed and let her wither away in grief.

With all my strength, I willed myself to wake up, for my Radhika. I have to or else that stupid girl will throw away her life. I didn't sacrifice myself for her to starve herself to death, I chose her over me because I knew in her, I will always be alive. She will keep me alive in some form and of course the baby, my flesh and blood, a part of me will always be with her.

I opened my eyes to Mathew and Mark who looked as if sun had no risen for them for the days I was lying lifeless on the bed. They were overjoyed to see me awake and shared their ordeal. The pain was excruciating but I knew, I will get better and bounce back. I always tell myself that I am made of rock and no matter what, nothing can break me. I keep telling that to myself so that I don't bend, I might break but I will be a whole again.

Mathew smiled ear to ear,"I will get Radhika tomorrow."

I shook my head,"No she can't see me like these. The stitches need to come off, she will faint if she sees my condition. Let's wait for at least two weeks or until at least the damage looks less." I tell him.

She will faint if she sees me now, we can't give her a shock right now.

"She is miserable, Arjun." He tries to convince me.

"I know but if she sees me in this state, she won't be able to bear it. Don't tell anyone yet, tell Mariam to look after her and make sure she is eating well."

"She loves you very much." Mathew smiles.

"I love her more." I state because it's the only truth I know.

Mark frowned,"I know but look where she got you."

I stared at him with pure disbelief,"You think she got me here?! Why the fuck would you even say such a thing?! She is innocent and she has nothing to do with what happened or what has been happening for past one month."

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