Chapter 401: Unlucky stick (30)

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Xu Zifan asked, "Who is Chengzhuang? I think he cares about Xinxin?"

Jiang Dong immediately wrinkled in disgust, very disgusted, "Who needs his care? Self-righteous and arrogant. Both Xin Xin and I warned him not to go in. He actually ran in to make trouble, even if he was kind enough to bear it. No. By the way, Brother Fan, didn't you count him? He is the fat guy who beat me when I was a kid!"

Xu Zifan actually didn't pay too much attention, and he was thoughtful when he heard the words, "It turns out that it is him, then he has a good relationship with you, and this can also be encountered. I heard that he is the third generation of celebrities? How did you become the actor?"

"Who knows what he thought, he almost fell out with his family, and used Xinxin as an excuse to say that Xinxin can be a policeman, why can't he be a star? When they met my parents, they laughed and laughed. Yes, it seems that Xinxin has set a bad example for his son. He is crazy. Brother Fan, if their family finds you in the future, don't pay attention to them. I think they despise my family as a business man." Jiang Dong said of starting a family. It can't be more annoying.

Xu Zifan smiled and got up, "I'll go wash first and buy a suit for me. I made an appointment with Luo Chen for dinner with his girlfriend and talk about something."

"Okay, I'll go too. I haven't officially met Luo Chen and his girlfriend yet." Jiang Dong called the hotel service and bought a set for himself by the way.

After Xu Zifan went into the bathroom and started taking a bath, he was guarding against whether the water would suddenly become cold, and suddenly the water pipe burst! Several water pipes burst in the entire bathroom, all directed at Xu Zifan. The sourness is unbearable for most people! He instantly entered the space and wiped his face with a towel, then opened his eyes to see the bathroom conditions, the whole spurting battle!

"Brother Fan! What happened to Brother Fan? Are you okay?" Jiang Dong rushed over to slap the door vigorously, and even started banging the door.

Xu Zifan found the talisman paper and cinnabar and drew a water-repelling talisman on his body, out of the space and shouted: "I'm okay, the water pipe burst, call someone to fix it."

Everything in the bathroom was soaked. Xu Zifan took a bath towel from the space and quickly walked out, leaving the showering bathroom.

The hotel staff came to apologize and changed their room so that Xu Zifan could lie down in bed and rest for a while. He closed his eyes, and missed his little apprentice very much. It would be better if the little apprentice was by his side. He was a personal little lucky star.

As he was thinking, the charged cell phone rang next to him, and when he picked it up, he saw that he was a little apprentice, and he cocked his mouth unconsciously.

He picked up and gave a feed, smiled and asked, "Get off the plane?"

Jiang Tianxin's worried voice came over, "I just got off the plane, how are you, Master? I received my brother's WeChat saying that there was a water pipe in the bathroom. Are you injured?"

"No, I'm just a little tired," Xu Zifan felt a little helpless thinking of his physique, "When will you go home?"

Jiang Tianxin was taken aback when he heard the words, feeling...This sentence "When will you go home" sounds strange, as if her husband was asking his wife...

Jiang Tianxin blushed and hurriedly dispelled the thoughts in his mind. While fanning his face, he replied: "I may be busy until late today, but I will go home after a while. Uncle Liao said that I can rest. I should be able to take a vacation."

Jiang Tianxin thought that his voice was normal, but Xu Zifan heard a little bit different from usual. This is the first time that they have separated since they were masters and apprentices. I really missed calling the two places like this. When he spoke again, his voice became softer, "I can't go back tomorrow. You go home and take a good rest. Don't always focus on practicing, relax occasionally."

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