Chapter 422: Seventy old father (5)

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Xu Zifan's words were so absurd that everyone was shocked! If you don't go to the door to die of starvation, isn't it just being old and dead? Everyone looked at the Xu family's eyes with scrutiny and doubt. What did these children and grandchildren do? Why make an old man so angry?

The original owner has been resting at home for ten years. Many people in the village understand the original owner's mind. He has always been most afraid of his children and grandchildren not being filial, so he wants to hold everything in his own hands. Sometimes people don't look down on him, or envious of him, after all, he doesn't do anything and can eat eggs every day. But at this moment no matter what thoughts have turned into sympathy.

Going out of the house, Uncle Xu is so angry that he wants to sever relations with his descendants!

Wang Baoguo and several old people were also dumbfounded, never expecting to separate their families into enemies. Wang Baoguo got the hottest. The second wife of the Xu family was his niece. Although she was not a close relative of the Wang family, the relatives of the Wang family and Zhang family were very close. He also took good care of Zhang Wen in the past.

If this reputation of unfilial piety is confirmed, it will have an impact on their Wang family and Zhang family!

Wang Baoguo hurriedly persuaded: "Uncle Xu, please calm down. Let us teach your children if they are wrong. Don't you want to be a happy family when you are the elders? The whole family is neatly organized and lively together during the Chinese New Year. Father and son have no overnight hatred. Maybe there is still any misunderstanding.

In this way, I will help you teach them so that they will listen to you and be filial to you. Do you think it's okay? "

From Wang Baoguo's point of view, it is impossible for Xu Zifan to deny his descendants. He must have been outraged to say such words. Now that he is given the ladder to him, he is not going down the ladder?

Surprisingly, Xu Zifan was different from what he thought. He stared at him with a deep look, which made him shut up unconsciously. He felt that this old man was quite powerful.

Then I listened to Xu Zifan saying coldly: "The captain doesn't need to persuade me. I invite a few people to come here to help me testify. I didn't say a word of lie. Captain, please give me a certificate later. The household registration is divided, I am a single person with a household registration, and I have nothing to do with anyone."

He pushed forward the five written separation agreements, knocked on the table and said: "Sign and press the handprints, one for your family, one for me, one for the captain, and any disputes in the future. This is the evidence, hurry up. , And take all the things at home to your room when you are done."

The three brothers looked at each other, and it was true that no one came forward when they pressed the mudra. They had been with their parents since they were young. Suddenly, they had to separate their families and decide independently. They felt a little unreliable and their excitement was almost gone. The rest is uneasy.

Xu Shengnan whispered to Xu Dajun: "Dad, grandpa is angry, don't disobey grandpa, press."

Although she said quietly, the scene was very quiet. Everyone had heard her words, and they were even more displeased with her. The other children of the Xu family are hiding in the house, and even Xu Zifan's little daughter has not appeared. What is going on with Xu Shengnan? Do you want to be in charge of the Xu family?

However, Xu Dajun listened to this. He was completely stunned when he talked about the separation of the family. Seeing Xu Zifan waiting for them to sign with a displeased expression, he hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the pen. His name was learned, it was written crookedly, and his hands were still a little trembling. Just when he wanted to press his fingerprints, the door of a room suddenly opened.

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