Chapter 579: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (10)

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Seeing that Wenhui was held in his arms by Yan Xiao, the charter hurriedly stepped forward and pulled away. Chang Sheng took advantage of the situation and threw his tail on the warehouse door.

Yan Xiao looked at more and more zombies outside the door, and said displeased: "Xu Zifan, what are you doing?!"

Xu Zifan stood still in the middle of the stairs, leaning on the handrail and looking at him condescendingly, "Of course it was a thief. I didn't expect it to be you, it's really unexpected."

Yan Xiao didn't give him an insincere tone, and said angrily: "What thief? It was the regulations that asked us to help him get things."

The bylaws stared at Changsheng and said vigilantly: "Yes, I just took things that belonged to me and Wenhui. We decided to join Brother Xiao's team and go to the base with them. Xu Zifan, did you deliberately? This python is just a snake. Fierce beast, after you become the master of the beast, do you control too broadly? I take my own things and you also want to control?"

Xu Zifan spread out, "No way, the food for my senior sister, her younger sister, and brother-in-law is also inside."

Han Siyu said angrily: "You want to leave the team and no one will stop you, what are you doing secretly? My sister discovered this first, don't be too shameless!"

Xu Peng said coldly: "The regulations, if it weren't because you were my colleague, I wouldn't persuade my sister to bring you. How many times did we help you save Wenhui? It's fine if you leave, now you still have to Will you take revenge?"

The charter was unwilling to say: "Am I not contributing? I'm about to break through the second-level water system ability. I don't give you less water? Han Sitong started to work hard, and then she ran out of bullets. When will we protect us? Up?"

"You fart, didn't my sister take us out of danger again and again, you died eight hundred times earlier!" Han Siyu was so angry that he shot a pile of soil cones and rushed toward the regulations.

The regulations and Wen Hui's face turned pale, and hurriedly avoided, Yan Xiao waved a few thunders and smashed the soil cones. Both sides immediately assumed an attacking posture. The regulations were lazy and Wen Hui hid behind Yan Xiao, and the fox said in a fake manner: "We found those guns together. I will divide them in half."

Xu Zicheng said coldly: "It's impossible to half. If four people go, you can only divide a quarter of you."

Han Sitong said: "I found the food. Wenhui contributed the least. You two can only take a quarter."

There were more and more zombies outside, and Yan Xiao turned around and asked the regulations, "How much is there?"

The regulations whispered a word, and Yan Xiao made a decisive decision, "Our space superpower is dead. If we can't get more, we will take a quarter. Please move fast, wait for me to open the door and immediately open the way and rush into the car. "

When the regulations saw those zombies, they nodded immediately and mocked Han Sitong, "You can stay if you want, I see if you can take it away."

All of them moved into action. Han Sitong frowned. Xu Zicheng asked them to go back to the second floor when they met, and put the three-quarters of their weapons into the space in front of them.

Han Sitong's eyes lit up, "Are you a space supernatural person?"

Xu Zicheng nodded, "So don't worry about not taking things away, Yan Xiao is cruel, everyone should be careful not to distract. When I collect the car, we will walk through the back door, there are few zombies over there."

"Okay!" All of them cheered up, thinking that the group of people downstairs would desperately carry things into the group of zombies, and then drove hard to rush out of the group of zombies.

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