Chapter 442: Seventy old father (25)

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It rained heavily, and Xu Zifan stayed with Song Xin for one night. Song Xin was so happy that night. He felt that being able to live meant that he and Xu Zifan had a closer relationship. Xu Shengnan was frightened. It rained all night and lightning flashed after a while.

Mainly, she had just complained to God before, and also experienced such things as rebirth. She was so scared that she was so scared that she knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy, fearing that God would punish her and take back her golden fingers.

Xu Shengnan spent the night, and when the day cleared, her eyes were darkened, her eyes were haggard, her body was relieved, and she was in a trance.

She didn't take the basin to catch the rain because she was afraid. The house was soaked in rain, and the bedding and clothes were soaking wet. It is estimated that they won't dry out all day.

She sat there blankly, and somebody came to pat the door and call her to work. After the heavy rain, there are many things to do, such as clearing the road and fixing the soil. She didn't want to go, but thinking of the threat of the captain's wife, she could only get up with sore legs. There is no change of clothes, only damp clothes to work.

She lowered her head and followed the crowd, and when she heard them talking about gossip, she didn't care about it, but suddenly heard Xu Xiuzhen's name. She looked up and saw the person enviously saying: "Xu Xiuzhen is too good, she actually found a job in the grain depot. I heard that there is no need to do anything there. It is very leisurely. As long as she can get in, it is easy to change to formality. It won't take long to be the people of the city!"

"Yeah, the unit will definitely give her a room. She can also find someone in the city. Maybe she can find one directly in the grain depot. Then her family is a dual-worker, and she is still a good job in the grain depot. No work, it's so beautiful!"

Some people thought of Xu Shengnan as they talked, looked at her, and sneered: "Some people don't know whether they are smart or stupid. They buy a house for 500 yuan, but they are really rich. As a result, they turned their heads and entrusted the relationship. Grain depot. That's a decent job. The future is very bright. What about her, she will marry to our brigade alive. Men will not be seen, her husband will not be seen, and she has to go to the ground and work like us. What's the point?"

"Brain is sick!"

As they talked, they squinted at Xu Shengnan, and didn't care whether she could hear it or not. They made it clear that they hated her and told her to listen.

Xu Shengnan was trembling with anger, and stepped forward to push down the person who said the most happiest, "You shut up, your mother never taught you to talk? Your mouth is so stinky that you eat shit?!"

The man screamed, slapped her on the face when he got up, and slapped her, "Did your mother teach you to have a face? Undressing to seduce a man, and his face is ugly enough to say, who makes you stink? Maybe you still have wild species in your belly. If your man is away from home every day, you might be afraid of touching you and you can't tell. It depends on whether your belly is big or not."

Xu Shengnan screamed and beat her. For several days, Xu Shengnan was so suffocated that he had nowhere to vent, and was stimulated by their words. He found a vent all at once, and beat her severely without evading. Can't open it.

But she is a woman who works all year round. She is a young girl with tender skin. She is her opponent. She was caught by her hair and pinched to the ground, pinched and scratched, her face and neck covered with blood. !

It took a long time for the team leader's wife to arrive. She was shocked when she saw her like this. She was sent to the health clinic with two sentences on each side. Xu Shengnan stared at them angrily, "No need, I Go home and rest by yourself, as long as you don't force the sick number to work again!"

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