Chapter 471: Eating and broadcasting the king's way (23)

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Chairman Bai made a decision, and Lihua rejected the negotiation of the Emperor's contract termination and adopted a drag strategy.

Feng Xuanqi calmly said after learning about it: "If you don't talk about it, you don't plan to release people. Have you found out the details of Xu Zifan at Lihua?"

"I've found out, Mr. Feng." The special assistant took a step forward and briefly summarized the unequal treatment Xu Zifan received in Lihua, which artist he was at odds with, and Xu Zifan's own attitude towards this matter.

Feng Xuanqi nodded, "Lihua doesn't want to let people go and can't keep them. He will definitely destroy Xu Zifan. Keep an eye on it and handle this matter properly. I want Xu Zifan to come over as a key training object. He is not allowed. If there are any black spots, I hope it can be resolved before he comes back to record."

"In addition, get ready for Xu Zifan's contract, S-level, brokerage... I sort out the status quo of the three major brokers in the company and give it to me, so that he and whom will be pending temporarily. Give him a packaging plan and future development plan. , The plan should include a list of resources that may be given to him, as well as the evaluation of the success rate, which will be given to me tomorrow, the apartment and the vehicle are all equipped. Since it is necessary to spend manpower and material resources to **** people from Lihua, we must use the greatest effort to train it. You can't waste his value. The Holy Emperor doesn't trade at a loss, understand?"

"Understood, President Feng, then I'm going to do something."


When Feng Xuanqi spoke in person, the people below naturally paid attention to it, followed closely the remarks about Xu Zifan on the Internet, and always paid attention to Lihua's movements. In the early morning of the night, Xu Zifan's black material appeared on the Internet. At first glance, it was written by the public relations department. Even if there is no evidence, it will shake the hearts of the people who see it. I can't help but wonder if Xu Zifan has written the articles thing.

Unscrupulous teenagers, smoking and fighting, tricking young girls into having a baby, taking drugs and prostitution, gambling and losing all their savings, etc.

Shenghuang's public relations department eliminated these PRs as quickly as possible. As a long-established company, Lihua has strong strength, but lacks energy, and its combat effectiveness is far inferior to the rising and struggling Shenghuang. The two sides are facing each other, and the Shenghuang is even better. On this battlefield without gunpowder, it took one night to win, and Lihua's methods did not arouse any splashes at all.

There was a time difference between Xu Zifan and Yanjing on the island. When Lihua blacked him out, they had just arrived on the deserted island and were about to start to survive.

Shaohua constantly monitors the situation on the Internet, and immediately told him when he found something wrong. Xu Zifan looked at it and found that the Holy Emperor was very powerful and decided not to do it himself. Only let Shaohua continue to monitor and help the Holy Emperor to check the gaps. Delete all the things.

Shaohua can connect to the world's networks, and has mastered certain hacking skills, so he can go smoothly in the network. With it secretly helping the holy emperor, Lihua loses completely, trying to use this method to black Xu Zifan completely failed.

Xu Zifan safely led everyone on the island to find water sources. This time, the desert island had few resources. It was really a desert island. It was much more difficult than the last time. He didn't let him bring any seasonings. Everything was on their own. Even the trees are much taller. There are only thick trunks and no branches below. It is impossible to cut down to build a hut, and it has become extremely difficult to cut wood and start a fire.

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