Chapter 535: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (12)

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If the veil was taken out in public, given the similarity of the two veils, everyone couldn't take a closer look, and they would definitely believe the **** teacher's words even more. Such a noisy environment and unexplained disputes, there is no way to calmly prove that the **** master is fraudulent. If the **** master runs away in pain, the matter will be even more unclear. Lin Ruonan is in a black pot. It was right in ancient times. Women are so unfair.

But now Xu Zifan has moved the matter to the court, and no one is allowed to go if he doesn't know clearly, no one is allowed to make noise, and there is a special embroiderer appraisal. Naturally everyone can listen to their confrontation and see the outcome of the matter.

Xiu Niang carefully compared the handkerchiefs of Lin Ruonan and the guardian, and quickly picked out many different places. Even the embroidery techniques were just similar, but not the same. After a while, Xiu Niang affirmed, "My lord, these two embroidered handkerchiefs were not made by one person. The traces of this embroidery are more like imitations."

The imitated one is naturally the one of the **** teacher. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he insisted: "Master Mingjian, this embroidered handkerchief is indeed given to the grass man by Lin Ruonan, otherwise the grass man can get this embroidered handkerchief. It's totally unreasonable to wrong her."

Xu Zifan snorted, "It's really unreasonable for people who don't know each other to do such things. That's why I suspect that you have other plans, or even collusion with your accomplices, which is very big."

The county grandfather was very troubled by his remarks and frowned, "Xu Zifan, you are so suspicious, do you have evidence?"

Xu Zifan bowed a salute, "My lord, today the Caomin encounters this miraculous thing, and he is very puzzled by this person's injustice. Caomin has two guesses. First, this person wants to use the world. Caring for a woman's reputation, slandering the woman's innocence, making the woman desperate, nowhere to go, and even committing suicide. Either way, it is convenient for him to take people away secretly, and then fake the illusion that the woman is ashamed and committed suicide. No one will check it carefully, so he can make a fortune. Seeing the embroidered handkerchief and the rhetoric that this person took out, there must be accomplices.

Second, the Cao Min guessed that this person's malicious slander of Xu was instigated by others, deliberately trying to destroy the reputation of his wife, and provoke our husband and wife to discord, and the days to come will be unsatisfactory. "

The **** hurriedly shouted: "I don't! My lord, Caomin doesn't. What Caomin says is true!"

The county grandfather slapped the startled, "Quiet!" He looked at Xu Zifan and asked, "Have you two become enemies with others recently?"

Xu Zifan and Lin Ruonan looked at each other, and Lin Ruonan thought of Lin Ruoshan for the first time, "I'm an adult, and the local woman had passed away before getting married, and she didn't get along well with her parents, siblings. A few days ago, the girl's sister Lin Ruoshan was there. There is a big ugly in front of the cloth shop. If you say that you have a vengeance, the women suspect Lin Ruoshan the most."

Someone gasped outside the door, and couldn't imagine that Lin Ruoshan, a little girl, would actually frame her relatives in this way and ruin her innocence. If things were really done by Lin Ruoshan, that would be really mean!

The county grandfather asked about Lin Ruoshan's farce that day, but any clues would naturally be investigated. Besides, Xu Zifan's suspicion is reasonable. After he exaggerated it, it is very inappropriate to simply close the case. There are so many people outside watching, this matter must be resolved.

The head of the **** board where the **** is located and several escorts who are familiar with him were all asked for questioning. Several people said that they did not know that the **** was related to Lin's daughter, and they had never heard that the **** had a close relationship. He often hears that his family has no permanent property and cannot get married.

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