Chapter 530: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (7)

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Lin Ruonan got up early the next day, Xu Zifan opened her eyes, she hurriedly held Xu Zifan, and whispered: "You should sleep for a while and rest more. Yesterday, my mother was tired, I went to make breakfast. I cleaned up yesterday. I saw where I put things, don't worry."

Xu Zifan let out an "um", and didn't follow her when she put on her coat. There are new people in the family that need to be run-in. Xu's father and Xu's mother care about him most. When Lin Ruonan treats him well, they will treat her twice as good. He understands the balance well, and naturally knows how to do it.

After almost two quarters of an hour, Mother Xu got up and was surprised to see Lin Ruonan. Lin Ruonan was light-handed, she didn't hear anything.

She smelled the smell of rice and approached the stove, with a smile on her face, "Ruo Nan, why are you so early?"

Lin Ruonan smiled and said: "Mother, I'll get up when I wake up. The meal will be ready soon. I don't know what you like to eat, so I just cook something. Mother, if you have time, tell me and I will follow us. The family loves to cook."

"Eh, okay, I'll call them up." Mother Xu was very warm in her heart early in the morning, thinking that this daughter-in-law is nothing out of the ordinary, so good.

She called Father Xu and Xu Zifan, took a rag to wipe the table and set a stool. Although the daughter-in-law is really rushing to do the work, she is not the kind of mother-in-law who just lets the daughter-in-law do it when she looks at it.

Lin Ruonan boiled a pot of millet porridge, picking up the more refreshing dishes left over from the wedding feast, and then spreading a few egg noodle cakes and mixing a small cold dish. Eating is very comfortable and not extravagant. Her craftsmanship is also very good. Xu's father and Xu's mother repeatedly praised her.

After eating, Xu's mother said that she would not let her clean up. Lin Ruonan didn't want to grab the medicine, so he took over the job of boiling the medicine, and asked about Xu Zifan's body while boiling it, and took it seriously in his heart. Without Xu's mother, he took the initiative to take care of Xu Zifan.

Xu's mother has been taking care of her son for more than ten years, and this day is the first time she feels all right and light. There is no need to worry about anything, no need to worry about anything, Lin Ruonan has arranged everything properly.

When she went back to the room and talked to Father Xu, she couldn't help crying with joy, and she pulled Xu's father and said, "This is really a blessed wife. We married our son the right person. Ruo Nan really married here sincerely."

Father Xu also said with satisfaction: "Now you can rest assured that Zifan's health is much better. I hope that their young couple will be well in the future."

"It must be good, it must be good." Xu's mother folded her hands and bowed to the outside, and she became more and more convinced in her heart that the master gave her a horoscope.

Xu Zifan asked Lin Ruonan to rest when he returned to the house. Others didn't know. He himself knew that his body was pretending to be sick, and he needed someone to take care of him.

Lin Ruonan didn't do it at first, but Xu Zifan could always say something she was interested in that would bias her mind. Afterwards, she felt that it was not she taking care of Xu Zifan, but Xu Zifan pampering her, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

On the day of returning home, Xu's mother prepared two sets of ready-made clothes and tea and wine gifts for them to bring, and hired an ox cart to the village's old man Lin's house. None of them mentioned Lin Fu's family. Now Lin Fu is just Lin Ruonan's second uncle. Up.

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