Chapter 444: Seventy old father (27)

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The person here is Li Zhenyu, Li Zhenhong's younger brother, and he politely shook hands with Xu Zifan as soon as he entered the courtyard, completely respecting him as an important elder. His elder brother wants money and money, and he is strong and powerful, but heirs are difficult. He finally got a son and almost lost his mother and child. He relied on Xu Zifan's ginseng to save his life. He was grateful to Xu Zifan from the heart, and he revealed everything in his words and deeds. Up.

After two greetings, he immediately started talking about business, "Uncle Xu, the house is gone. My brother's father-in-law is going to Yanjing to reunite with his son. Isn't this house vacant? Originally their house was If I want to keep it, my brother invited them to dinner for a long time, and they have agreed to transfer it.

The house is a good house, a quiet location in the middle of the noisy, three blue brick houses, with a large courtyard, the windows are also large, the house is bright. The furniture and everything are all made of good materials. The main house has a floor and is well maintained. It looks impressive. "

Xu Zifan smiled and nodded, "Just listen. Thanks for your hard work, come, take a drink."

Li Zhenyu drank a glass of water, and said, "Uncle Xu, are you free now? If you are free, I will show you it? We will decide if it suits you. The transfer of residence will definitely be handled for you, and you will definitely not suffer. , You can rest assured in this regard."

"Okay, let's go." Xu Zifan got up, grabbed two pheasants and tied them together on Li Zhenyu's bicycle.

Li Zhenyu hurriedly said, "Uncle Xu, what are you doing? I should run errands for you. Don't take anything."

Xu Zifan stopped him from taking it down, and said with a smile: "It's not a valuable thing, just be careful. I think it tastes good, you take it back and taste it, and you like to eat it before you take it. It's all from the mountains. No trouble."

Li Zhenyu was also happy, "That's done, I just accepted it shamelessly. I haven't eaten game for a long time. Thank you, Uncle Xu, then let's go."

"Go." Xu Zifan locked the yard, went to give a certificate to the captain, and sat on the back seat of Li Zhenyu's bicycle and entered the county town.

As soon as they left, everyone swarmed around Wang Baoguo, asking him who the man was just now and what did the old man do in the city.

Wang Baoguo was full of disbelief, and said in a daze, "I don't know who that person is. He said that Uncle Xu saved his family. In order to repay Uncle Xu, his family will take Uncle Xu to the county seat. Later... Uncle Xu may be living in the city."

"Huh? Go to town?"

"Repaying gratitude? Uncle Xu is kind-hearted. He hits wild boars and catches poisonous snakes in the village for fear that we will run into that beast. I didn't expect this to save people outside."

"Oh, damn, repaying the favor directly took Uncle Xu away for retirement. How great is this? I think it must have saved my life!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Uncle Xu is really amazing, honoring our fourth team, captain, this kind of good thing must be reported, how honorable? It saved the people in the city!"

"I don't know what will happen to Uncle Xu when he goes to the city. I haven't been there a few times in total. I always feel that people in the city hate us and look down on us. Can Uncle Xu adapt?"

"It's better than here. Look at the big family of Xu family, they dig out hundreds of hundreds, and I haven't seen them respecting Uncle Xu. At the beginning, the face of the division was so ugly. What is it?"

"This is really good and rewarding. Uncle Xu will have a good life in the future. No matter what happens, if you eat public food in the city, Uncle Xu will be full without going hunting in the future. Good thing!"

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