Chapter 479: Eating and broadcasting the king's way (31)

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Xu Zifan was also surprised when Feng Xuanqi came to pick up the plane. After getting in the car, he put his hand on the window, looked at her speechlessly and asked, "You didn't jump over the wall because of the Buddha, did you?"

Feng Xuanqi nodded honestly, her eyes glowing, "You can actually be a Buddha jumping over the wall? Why haven't you said that, I'm hungry when I see the photos they send!"

Xu Zifan touched his chin and laughed: "Actually, I can do everything. I don't think Buddha jumping over the wall is special. Of course I won't say it specifically. Don't you like spicy food?"

"It's different when Buddha jumps over the wall. It's drooling just to hear the name." Feng Xuanqi put all the documents on her legs into the briefcase and put them in the back seat, and started the car to leave the airport.

Xu Zifan took out pink sunglasses from the storage box and gave her with a smile: "Today is not enough time, let's eat something else first, start making it tomorrow morning, and you can eat it at night."

With obvious regret on Feng Xuanqi's face, she thought for a while and said: "To compensate for my mental loss, I will eat chopped pepper fish head, saliva chicken, cold rabbit, spicy fried beef, spicy squid, flavored bullfrog..."

She turned her head and glanced at Xu Zifan's expression and laughed out: "I'm funny, you are so tired just after getting off the plane, I have reserved a seat in Zuixianglou for you to eat, and I will go back to rest in the afternoon. As long as you remember me tomorrow The Buddha jumped over the wall."

Xu Zifan smiled helplessly: "Now you have no scruples in front of me. Where is the majesty of your chairman?"

"I lost it early. You can see through what I look like anyway. What do I pretend to be with you?" Feng Xuanqi patted his arm and joked with him, "Be careful, you are the only one who has seen the true face of the Iron Queen. People, if you leak out someday, the Jagged Queen will not let you go."

"Then I'm quite honored. It's enough for me to be enslaved by myself, but I won't give others a chance to come over and grab it." Xu Zifan turned on the music and played a love song, replying to her if there was something in it.

Feng Xuanqi raised the corners of her lips silently, her eyes covered by sunglasses were full of smiles.

For more than half a year, they also had some tentative contact from the beginning to become the natural closeness they are now, and they have more and more good feelings. Feng Xuanqi completely showed her true temperament in front of him, and will never ask him again. Cooking, but will feel sorry for his exhaustion and he goes out to eat.

It's just that Xu Zifan has been very busy and travels frequently, so there is no good time to pierce that layer of window paper. The two have a feeling that they are not satisfied with lovers above AUO, and they can taste a little sweet taste.

Feng Xuanqi ordered all his favorite dishes, six dishes and one soup, which tasted very good.

Xu Zifan took pictures and posted on Weibo: [Happy reception feast, delicious. 】

At first, the fans all ran his Weibo to ask for the Buddha to jump over the wall, and then began to reflect on it. It seems that Xu Zifan has been back to Kyoto these few times and someone will pick him up. Isn't it bad for them to ask for food every time?

Some people turned out the pictures that Xu Zifan sent back to Beijing every time and turned them into Jiugongge. They found that Xu Zifan's favorite dishes were all the banquets, and they couldn't help but start to wonder who was the one who brought him the wind. This is really good for him.

Many people @陈在民、易箫, members of "Plastic Brothers" and "Escape Room", of course no one said anything, not them at all. Chen Zaimin sent Xu Zifan to WeChat and asked him: "Zifan, you are mysterious. Have you made a girlfriend? I can't make an appointment on the first day every time I come back. It must be time for my girlfriend, right?"

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