Chapter 587: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (18)

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The head of the Xuanzong branch was an elder, and he asked carefully how Yan Xiao lost his power. If Xu Zifan and his party had this kind of ability, it would either be used for their own purposes or had to be destroyed.

But Yan Xiao spoke upside down, and his mental state was not very good, so he couldn't explain clearly. Such a useless person, Tian Xuanzong couldn't use it, and threw him out of the house with disgust, and his accessory Wen Hui was naturally also thrown out.

Wenhui was panicked, she didn't expect the ability to disappear. Yan Xiao's good three-level dual element ability has now become an ordinary person, so what else can she rely on Yan Xiao?

Wen Hui looked around, pulled Yan Xiao to the corner of no one, and when Yan Xiao was at a loss, he took out all the crystal nuclei from him and put it into her pocket. She was about to leave when suddenly a water arrow shot over and just cut her cheek!

"Ah-who?" Wen Hui hid behind Yan Xiao, using Yan Xiao as a shield, and looked around in panic.

The regulations slowly came out from the corner and sneered: "Wenhui, do you regret it?"

Wen Hui was stunned and cried: "Acheng, Acheng I'm sorry, he forced me, you see, I am not happy with him at all, I..."

"Enough! Do you think I will be deceived by you?" The charter glanced at Yan Xiao, then looked at Wenhui's face with a five-centimeter-long wound, and smiled, "Wenhui, aren't you seduce people? Guess if anyone wants you in the future? If you want to exchange your body for food, only those at the bottom will be willing. I'll see what happens to the two of you."

When the regulations were finished, he left. Wenhui was shocked to realize that his face was not an ordinary abrasion, but a deep wound that would leave scars! She screamed, pushed Yan Xiao away and ran away in a panic. Yan Xiao fell to the ground, his head full of despair, and he barely responded to what was happening outside.

He wears books, and only he knows how terrible the world is. Without abilities, he felt that he could not survive, and he had completely lost the desire to survive. Since he can't reverse the male lead's halo or get the chance, what else is he struggling with? It would be better to die early and live longer, and to go to a safe world.

Passing by the two abilities, those who thought Yan Xiao was blocking the way, kicked him to the wall, cursing. The pain awakened Yan Xiao, and he was afraid of death in his bones. It really made him die, he couldn't do it. He slammed into the wall twice in pain, and hid his head and shoulders in the corner where he was looking for less people.

Another supernatural person met him and stretched out his hand to stop him taunting: "Yeah, isn't this Brother Xiao? Why, it was cleaned up?"

The man patted his pocket and said in a low voice, "Take out the crystal core if you don't want to suffer."

Yan Xiao lowered his head and said, "All my crystal cores were taken by a woman named Wenhui, and none of them are left, you see." He turned out all his pockets and showed it to the man, and it was empty, "Brother Liu , I used to have eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai. I, I will take you to Wenhui? That woman has no patrons and has no abilities. If she finds her, isn't it at your disposal?"

"What nonsense then? Lead the way."

Yan Xiao had been with Wenhui during this period of time, and had some understanding of the woman, so he immediately took someone to find Wenhui. Wen Hui had not come out of the grief of disfigurement, and was pushed into the mouth by Yan Xiao. But if she hadn't taken Yan Xiao's crystal core greedily, she might not have suffered this disaster. Everything is caused by lack of greed.

Xu Zifan and the others rented a villa with Jinghe, three floors above and below, and each one lived in a spacious room. There are many materials in the space of Xuzicheng, and the bedding and daily necessities are the best. Everyone has been busy all afternoon, decorating the villa with a new look, and it looks very comfortable.

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