Chapter 531: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (8)

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What Lin Yaozu said quickly spread throughout Linxi Village. Old Man Lin was taken aback for a moment when he heard that, then he sighed. In this world, good is always rewarded, and evil is rewarded for evil. Lin Fu and the others repented of their marriage and changed their relationship, and now they finally get their reward.

The people in the village didn't say anything in front of Old Man Lin, but they disgusted Lin Fu's family secretly.

In the past five years, Lin Fu was still a muddy leg in the country. Wang also washed and cooked every day, raised pigs and fed chickens. Everyone was born and raised in Linxi Village. Who is more noble than anyone else?

That is, Lin Fu didn't know where to find a recipe for wine making, using that as a signboard, went to the town to open a wine shop. The people in the town don't know, can the people in their village still know? Lin Fu was able to gain a firm foothold in the town, and opened the shop so quickly, relying on the Xu family's care, even their new clothes were given by the Xu family.

It turned out to be good, the Lin family's wine shop was booming, making some money to look down on Xu's family, he just changed his relatives. He really wants to retire, and at most scold him like a wolf with no eyes. He just changed relatives. If this kind of thing weren't for the kindness of the Xu family, Lin Ruonan wouldn't be killed by them?

This time Lin Yaozu grinned, but they knew it. It turns out that everything was done by Lin Ruoshan. She thinks Xu Jiaqiong has the ability to make wine, and forgot to show off to the village girls that she could marry the heir of the town clothfang?

The most important thing is that she said that Xu Zifan was dying of illness and didn't want to be a widow. Then they exchanged the marriage to Lin Ruonan. What was their peace?

Lin Ruoshan looked delicate and pretty, with bad water inside. Lin Yaozu was also stupid and poisonous. He scolded her in public at the eldest sister's Gui Ning Banquet. If it weren't for everyone to be reasonable, Lin Ruonan wouldn't be able to be a man.

Their family is not a good thing, Lin Ruonan's good temperament is definitely to follow her mother, now adopting it is like rebirth, that kind of people should not recognize them!

Every household in the village is discussing this matter, and the cause and effect are clear. The fig leaf that Lin Ruoshan has tried so hard to talk about is completely uncovered, and no one in Linxi Village has a good impression of her.

Lin Yaozu ran home angrily, Lin Ruoshan hurried up to greet him, and said in doubt: "What's the matter with you? Why are you so angry?"

Lin Yaozu had a dilemma. He screamed first, and shouted: "What are you talking about? It's all because you let me go to the village. Grandpa didn't wait to see me. Xu Zifan also threw me out of my grandpa's house and told the **** in the village to drive me out of the village. They hurt my whole body. Did you hurt me on purpose?"

When Wang heard it, he hurried over to hold him and watched, "Who beat you? What's the matter? Shanshan, what did you ask Yaozu to do in the village?"

Lin Yaozu snorted: "She asked me to find out if Lin Ruonan and Xu Zifan are doing well, saying that they will swallow the cloth Fang in the future. Bah, I still believe it, so you are coaxing me. Where is Xu Zifan sick? He has one. You can lift me up and throw me out of the door with your hands. He also said that you were talking nonsense that he was sick. Lin Ruonan was also fine, laughing constantly, saying that these two days in Xu's family were the happiest days when she grew up like this. , The Xu family didn't talk to her at all.

Lin Ruoshan, you don't want me to do this kind of thing in the future, what you said is not accurate, so what are you thinking about all day? "

The Wang family was surprised: "Shanshan, what are you doing inquiring about them? Don't you look down on Xu's family? Lin Ruonan has adopted them, and they have nothing to do with our family in the future. What are you doing? You also killed your brother, you are really fine. Yaozu, let mother see where you hurt? Mother will give you medicine."

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