Chapter 440: Seventy old father (23)

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The news of the separation of the Song family spread quickly. Everyone didn't know what the inside story was. They only saw Song Xin and Xu Shengnan live in the old house of the Song family. There were three rooms in the courtyard, but they were all tattered and leaking. But this can't be said that the Song family bullied Xu Shengnan, because all her dowry was moved over, and the Song family didn't ask for anything, and even gave them a lot of food and a utensil.

From this point of view, the Song family did not take advantage of Xu Shengnan's advantage. Instead, they divided the families fairly. When asked why they were divided, the Song family kept their faces calm, some frowned, and some cold faces. Everyone immediately made up for Xu Shengnan's fuss. The scene comes out. Who made the Xu family separate because of Xu Shengnan's trouble? She knows how to do this!

On the second day Xu Shengnan married, she became famous again. In her natal family, she was separated from her family, and her natal family and her in-laws hated her. This woman is selfish, vicious, and bad in character. At this time, someone sympathized with the Song family, and lost a son if they didn't get any benefits. Strong labor is a guarantee for food these years, the Song family has lost!

Liu Xia couldn't help running the fifth team to find Xu Shengnan, telling her to live a good life, don't worry about it all day, but Xu Shengnan is happy right now, of course not listening, and impatiently telling Liu Xia not to take care of her.

Now Xu Dajun and Liu Xia are elderly people who need to be supported by her, and they just need to give money regularly. She doesn't care or care about other things.

Liu Xia walked back sadly. Mother Song saw this scene. She immediately tried to attract a few women to watch. Soon news of Xu Sheng's male crying for his mother went out again. A person who is not filial to his father and mother will be cast aside wherever he goes. The five teams of villagers have personally experienced Xu Shengnan's wickedness, and then they really start to hate Xu Shengnan.

Later, Song Xin pretended to sprain his wrist while working. The doctor in the health clinic was not considered a quack. He didn't see that he was pretending, so he prescribed medicine to let him rest. Of course you can't work!

Everyone sympathized with him very much, and even the captain patted him on the shoulder and sighed, thinking that he was in a bad mood to hurt himself in a trance, so he simply granted him a fake.

Song Xin left everyone's sight, smiled happily, and ran to Xu Zifan's house to find him. When he saw him, he smiled and asked, "Grandpa Xu, have you heard about my family?"

Xu Zifan smiled and nodded, "I heard, your kid has a lot of heart, and your bad reputation doesn't make your family feel at all."

After Song Xin realized the identity of the person in front of him, he scratched his head and said, "Grandpa Xu, don't be angry, Xu Shengnan...I just think my family is wronged, so..."

Xu Zifan waved his hand indifferently, "It doesn't matter, she has nothing to do with my old man because she has become a mouse crossing the street. What's wrong with your hand? Isn't it hurt?"

"No, I pretended it," Song Xin raised his wrist and moved it to show him, "I did it to deal with her and didn't abuse myself. How can I make it happen? I haven't been so relaxed in a long time. Don't do it, I'm really not used to it, but Xu Shengnan wants to remove the grass. I am happy when I think of it. The sun is full today!"

Weeding is a light job compared to other tasks, 4 work points a day, but it is also very hard, especially in the scorching sun, I have been bent over to pull the weeds, and soon I will sweat and have back pain. Fortunately, what others often do, Xu Shengnan can't stand it.

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