Chapter 584: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (15)

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The dense vines could not stop the fragrance in the valley. An off-road vehicle stopped at the mouth of the valley, and a middle-aged man and four young men came down.

They found the entrance, sniffed, and whispered, "Is there someone hiding in it to live?"

The middle-aged man closed his eyes and felt it, "There are seven mental fluctuations, and I don't understand more."

One person rolled his eyes and snorted coldly, "What's the use of this power? I don't know anything except to know how many people are there. How about, go in and see?"

"Look at it, I'm starving to death, there is meat here. What are so many of us afraid of?"

They discussed it, and the middle-aged man called the door and whispered from the vine: "Can the friends inside come out to meet? We are not malicious, can we give us some food?"

The man next to him gave him a shock, "It's meat, no other food."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment before he said, "Can you give us some meat?"

Han Sitong stirred the meat in the pot and said, "People from outside want to eat it."

Xu Zifan smiled and said, "This is a door-to-door business. If it is impossible, it can only be exchanged with crystal nuclei. Now everyone has a cultivation technique. Although everyone is at a higher level now, they will definitely not have any spiritual liquid in the future. The upgrade is so fast. The easiest way for us is to exchange crystal nuclei with others, so that we don't have to run between zombies frequently, and we can have enough crystal nuclei to upgrade. We take Changsheng to hunt, and let Yang An to promote the birth of medicinal materials, which is more like In a normal life, killing zombies all the time will only lose yourself. What do you think?"

Xu Zicheng was the first to nod, "My brother is right. We are not weak now. It's better to find a way to survive, not just to survive. In the future, there will be a chance to get a company-like organization and hire other people. Collect crystal nuclei and give them food or medicine."

Isn't this the prototype of the base? Rather than being managed by others, it is better to make your own rules. Several people were a little excited after hearing this and completely agreed with them. Yang An proposed to give the team a name, just like other mercenary groups in the base, so that they can be passed on easily and attract more business.

"It's called—Longwei Mercenary Corps, how about it?" Xu Zifan glanced at Changsheng and thought of a very kind name.

Several people agreed, and Changsheng happily rolled on the ground. At this time, the people outside couldn't wait, and began to pick the vines at the mouth of the valley.

Xu Zicheng walked over, turned his arm into a sharp blade, raised his hand and swiped it, and the dense vines were divided into two halves, tilted to both sides as if opening a door.

But the five people outside took a few steps back in shock. They have seen gold type supernatural powers, but no one can even cut such a thick vine at once. This is already a fourth-level power.

A few young people changed their impatience just now and bowed slightly to greet Xu Zicheng.

The middle-aged man said: "Hello, we are not malicious, we came here only when we smelled the smell of meat. We haven't found food all day, so we were really hungry and disturbed."

Xu Zicheng said: "We have food and medicine. We can only exchange it with crystal cores. The price is not low. If you want to change it, come in and have a look."

Xu Zicheng turned around and went back, giving way to the mouth of the valley. They saw that there was actually a python inside, staring at them next to a person, and suddenly felt a numb scalp and did not dare to lift their legs.

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