Chapter 477: Eating and broadcasting the king's way (29)

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Previously, netizens knew that Xu Zifan and Tan Yi had a long relationship, but they didn't know the inside story. This time the revelation started when Tan Yi tried to get Xu Zifan for the second bad drama, and listed in detail how much Tan Yi "helped" Xu Zifan. Rotten resources that make him full of black material.

With the good resources that Tan Yi has, just taking Xu Zifan with him will not give him such bad resources. Even most of the variety shows, netizens have never heard of them, and there is no heat at all. What is circulating on the Internet is that Xu Zifan does not perform well. Good clips, but before Xu Zifan broke the mastering and program comparison, those videos that performed poorly are all editing effects, not Xu Zifan at all.

This is a bit intriguing. If Tan Yi really takes care of his brother, why not give him a good or medium resource? If you really want to help, watching Xu Zifan being maliciously edited time and time again and being bullied by others, why not help him out and continue to give him such bad resources?

To say that helping brothers is a sentiment, and not helping is a duty, but Tan Yi was recommended to the entertainment circle because of Xu Zifan, which seemed a bit ungrateful. Combined with Xu Zifan's extremely high talents when he left Lihua, it is inevitable that people will doubt whether Tan Yi is jealous of Xu Zifan's talent, so he deliberately prevents him from taking the position?

This time it is said that Tan Yi lost the role of Director Chen. Xu Zifan was chosen, and Xu Zifan was hacked shortly afterwards. Does it matter who did it?

Tan Yi was pushed to the forefront. Everyone no longer paid attention to Xu Zifan's acting skills. They were all discussing whether Tan Yi was a viper man or not. The holy emperor's people played a lot of reasoners and came out to analyze, and the brains were pretty much like that. Pinned the label "Leader of the Blade" to Tan Yi.

What makes Tan Yi most surprised is that he can enter the entertainment circle on his own. At the beginning, he borrowed Brother Li from Xu Zifan's side to enter the entertainment circle completely for the purpose of taking the path of Xu Zifan's previous life and obtaining those resources. As a result, everyone now said that Xu Zifan helped him into the circle. Xu Zifan was his benefactor, and he became a white-eyed wolf who avenged his gratitude.

Tan Yi was recalled to the company urgently, and the relevant personnel had a meeting to seriously criticize him for finding the navy black Xu Zifan. The company had already rejected his request. He came into trouble by himself, and now the company is being damaged. If he is not Bai Xue's boyfriend , This matter will definitely be handled more severely.

The discussion at the meeting decided to issue a statement saying it was a misunderstanding. The two brothers just got busy and didn't pay attention to each other and drifted away. Even if Tan Yi wanted to help but did not help, his original intention of helping was good, not to harm others.

Of course no one bought this statement, but this kind of thing is getting darker and darker. The company decided to deal with it coldly, and called Tan Yi to keep a low profile recently. Look for a chance to win a good movie role and win an award. Naturally, no one mentions this matter. Now, standing up high is the best whitewashing.

Tan Yi really couldn't swallow this breath. He smoked one by one in the stairwell. His agent found him, patted him on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Xu Zifan is in the limelight now, and it is not wise to confront him. We. Keep a low profile for the time being. Your journey is too smooth. It's not a bad thing to encounter a little setback. Just take advantage of this time to coax Ms. Bai. As long as Ms. Bai is coaxed, are you afraid that you have no resources?"

Tan Yi pinched out the cigarette **** with a gloomy expression: "I know, this time I made a faint move, and it won't be anymore."

He said so, but he couldn't breathe in his heart as if he was crushing a big rock. Why did he have to take Xu Zifan's way after he was born again? Because Xu Zifan succeeded on this path, and he has been paying attention to it, and he understands it. If he does not take this path, who can guarantee that he will succeed?

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