Chapter 409: Unlucky stick (38)

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Xu Zifan put the little boy in the bedroom to sleep, and directly notified Chengzhuang to invite his father to come with him. Only then did the adult realize that Yu Cailan had asked for Qingfeng View, and she felt ashamed, and her face was stinky when she rushed over.

When Yu Cailan saw them coming over, she was startled and choked, "Old Cheng, I really can't help it. The baby is my heart and soul. Now he completely denies me and talks nonsense all day long. I can't bear it anymore. I want my baby to come back."

She lowered her voice and said, "In case outsiders know what gossip is coming out, it is not good for you. I also bowed my head to ask for the good of the family. I think I have a motherly heart, bow my head. It's not ashamed. I didn't expect him to find you. It's because I didn't think well."

The adult father was very angry, but after listening to her, his anger subsided a little. This matter is not so good, and people have asked him. If it is reported that his youngest son has become mentally ill and does not recognize his mother, do you want his face? This woman was born in general, and fortunately, everything is for his sake, but there is nothing weird about.

Seeing Yu Cailan's three or five sentences, Cheng Zhuang coaxed his father, sneered ironically, and followed the little Taoist priest into the house first. A few people were seated, and Yu Cailan didn't find her son, and asked eagerly: "Dao Master, how is the baby? How is he? What are you calling Lao Cheng and Xiao Zhuang for?"

Xu Zifan put a carved bronze mirror on the table, "Don't worry, this child's matter is closely related to Mrs. Cheng's past, and it is Mrs. Cheng's wicked debt. I think it's not appropriate to act according to Mrs. Cheng's ideas. Mr. and father, please come and explain the situation together. The family should be clear about everything, right?"

Yu Cailan's face changed drastically and she cried out in disbelief, "What are you talking about?!"

The adult father noticed that something was wrong, and his suspicion was swept across Yu Cailan, and she said in a deep voice, "Dao Qingfeng, what does my wife want to do to Xiaoan? What do you mean by guilty debt? Could you please make it clear."

"Leader Qingfeng!" Yu Cailan yelled, staring at Xu Zifan in panic, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to beg you just to save my son!"

Xu Zifan was unaffected by her, and said calmly: "Mrs. Cheng hopes that I will wipe out the irritable soul in Young Master Cheng and let him return to his original obedient and obedient appearance. But after checking, I found that the current Young Master Cheng is truly complete. Young Master Cheng Xiao, that is to say, he was so obedient and obedient because he lacked a soul and his soul was incomplete, so he obeyed Mrs. Cheng's words, pleased Mr. Cheng's favor, and helped Mrs. Cheng fulfill his wish."

The adult father had a bad feeling in his heart. He held down Yu Cailan before he wanted to speak, staring at her fiercely and scolded: "Is he nonsense? I will listen to it. You shut up now! I don't want to listen anymore. Until you say a word!"

Yu Cailan shrank, and immediately turned to look at Xu Zifan pleadingly. The adult father threw off her hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Go on, Mr. Qingfeng!"

Xu Zifan took a sip of tea and said, "Since the soul of the young master is complete, I naturally cannot destroy him, otherwise the young master will die. The reason why I invited the two over is how to deal with this matter. The reason why Young Master Cheng Xiao's temperament has changed drastically is because Mr. Cheng Zhuang was previously possessed by a ghost and brought a heavy ghost spirit home, which made Young Master Cheng Xiao a ghost."

Yu Cailan immediately hoped, "So Chengzhuang killed the baby like this? Isn't it?"

Cheng's father glanced at Chengzhuang, and Chengzhuang was dissatisfied: "What does it have to do with me? Qingfeng Dao, you have troubled me again and again, are you against me? Did you just say that the kid is the woman's wicked debt? What are you doing with me? Wouldn't she buy you to frame me?"

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