Chapter 552: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (End)

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Lin Ruoshan's ability is actually not that important to the royal family. After all, there are the world's best tonic medicinal materials and the world's best healers in the palace, and she has become accustomed to prolonging life.

But this kind of thing like auspicious falling from the sky represents a kind of good omen, no one dislikes it, and sudden loss is very uncomfortable.

The rise and fall of the honors and pets in the palace are only within the thought of the superior, and the reason Lin Ruoshan bothered to find happened to be in the heart of the superior.

If this "divine power" is passed on to the little prince, it means that the little prince is a blessed person who is blessed by heaven. The Queen Mother's eyes fell on Lin Ruoshan's lower abdomen, and she pondered for a moment, and then said: "Ai's family is bored during leisure time, Lin Guiren will go and be a company with Ai's family."

The emperor nodded, Lin Ruoshan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was suffering in her heart. This was the reason she had no choice but to use it. Once she used this reason, she really had no way out. When the little prince is born, if he has no "divine power", the queen mother and the emperor will be doubly disappointed, and then she will never have a good life.

But she had no way at this time, at least she could give birth to the little prince safely with the respect of the queen mother. Otherwise, without Lingquan detoxification, she wouldn't know how she was poisoned to death by those women. She raised her eyes to the queen, who was smiling, but her eyes were sharply startled.

Lin Ruoshan regretted it, she pretended to be sick, and what did she show off to Xu Zifan? If she doesn't go out, how can these things happen? She regretted it, and at the same time was in awe. Xu Zifan was born again. Will he retaliate against her?

Lin Ruoshan was taken into the queen dowager's palace for a temporary stay, which is considered to have saved her dragon fetus. She shrank completely this time and did not dare to show her face easily, only that the little prince born could have some ability to protect her honor.

Xu Zifan's words made her often have nightmares. Because the fetus has always been nourished by the spring, she is very stable and unaffected, so she is very hard. But this matter has no answer, and she will never get rid of this nightmare.

Xu Zifan did his errands smoothly, slowly expanding his network without a trace, and establishing his own power step by step.

The fact that he was the number one official in the ranks has been passed back to Anyang Mansion and Linxi Village. The prefect sent someone to confess the good news to the Xu family, and Xu's mother was happy to give porridge for a month. The county magistrate of Shuixi Town also informed Father Lin of the happy event. The whole village happily celebrated Xu Zifan and set a table of running water for three days in the village to invite people from neighboring villages to eat.

Xu Zifan walked out from them. It was their glory. Everyone was happy for him. If he could meet him, he would definitely have to give another house. The only one who was not happy was the Lin Fu family.

Lin Fu's family followed him back to Linxi Village with nothing. Before they looked down on people and disliked the villagers. The villagers would not use poles to post up. They were very disgusted with their family, except that Mr. Lin's face was not great. Gossip.

However, this does not affect their conflicts, Wang's temperament, and the women are doing laundry in one place, and they have to quarrel from time to time. Lin Yaozu was squeamish in the town, and he fought with the lads twice in three days, then went home angrily to file a complaint, and was sent into the school forcefully by Mr. Lin.

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