Chapter 549: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (26)

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Xia Lian fell ill within a quarter of an hour after taking the medicine. Her condition was fierce, and she looked scary from the bronze mirror.

[Shaohua: Host, Xia Lian is taking medicine. 】

Xu Zifan sat in the study and looked at the sky outside the window, [It's almost time for dinner, what is Lin Ruoshan doing? 】

[Shaohua: The queen mother has a bad appetite these few days. Lin Ruoshan is going to the small kitchen to prepare refreshing dishes for the queen mother. Yesterday the queen mother ate the side dishes she made and praised her. The emperor asked her to cook some daily, saying that she would go to the queen mother to have dinner together today. 】

Xu Zifan curled his lips, "The time is right, Changsheng, come back with Lingquan." 】

[Changsheng: Yes, master! I will go back to find you now! 】

Longevity has been outside for a long time, and I have long missed the master. It surrounds the spring with its body, and mutters words in its mouth. It is a beast of heaven and earth, and it is even more unpredictable after following Xu Zifan, Quanyan has long wanted to recognize it as the master. As soon as it moves, the spring eye immediately enters its Sumi mustard seed, the aura in the stream is lost, and it becomes an extraordinary mountain spring.

Changsheng gave a long whistle with satisfaction, and the little emerald snake that turned into an index finger quickly disappeared in place and headed towards the capital.

Lin Ruoshan leaned on the soft couch in the small kitchen, directing the two little maids to cook, shaking lightly in her hands, her eyes full of high above.

The two little palace ladies didn't dare to make mistakes, and prepared four refreshing side dishes tremblingly, and Shan Sheng came out to kneel down for Lin Ruoshan to taste.

Lin Ruoshan frowned in dissatisfaction, "Why it still smells like this, this little thing can't be done well, what do I want you to do?"

The two little palace ladies were so frightened that they squatted their heads, "The master forgive us, we must study hard and practice hard to make more delicious dishes, and hope the master will calm down."

Lin Ruoshan looked at them for a while, smiled and waved her hand, "Okay, let's all go out and ask Xia Lian to take care of her."

"Yes, thank you Master." The two little palace ladies ran away and hurried back.

Lin Ruoshan saw that there was no one outside, and waved to reveal the stream. She was not depressed when she didn't see Qinglong. She believed that when she gave birth to the dragon, Qinglong would recognize her, and maybe even help her son become a big treasure. It's the queen mother!

Lin Ruoshan laughed unconsciously, and gently stroked her slightly raised abdomen. This is her lucky star, the person who can truly rely on her.

She scooped a small bowl of stream water, poured them into four plates, and stirred them again. She relied on and trusted Lingquan very much, and she called people to pretend to be without tasting it after mixing.

"Master, Xia Lian is suffering from abdominal pain, her face is pale and she is sweating, and she can't walk!" The little palace lady hurriedly ran to report.

Lin Ruoshan frowned, "Unlucky, how come I suddenly become ill? Change my clothes quickly and Qiuye will follow me."

She can't delay seeing the queen mother and the emperor. It's just a court lady, and it's not worthy of her care. Anyway, Xia Lian will be fine if she appreciates some soup with Lingquan later.

When Lin Ruoshan arrived in the Queen Mother's Palace, she wore a pleasing smile as usual, and her witty remarks made the queen mother and the emperor smile. After the small dishes were put on the poison, she personally prepared dishes for the queen mother and the emperor, waiting for their praise. Unexpectedly, the queen mother took a bite, but immediately vomited it out, frowning.

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