Chapter 532: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (9)

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Lin Ruoshan caught the right time and managed to get 50% of the profit of the wine shop from Lin Fu. After Lin Yaozu found out, there was a fight. Wang pulled him back to the room and talked for a long time. After that, he saw Lin Ruoshan again and was still not convinced, but he didn't talk back to her.

Lin Ruoshan is proud and feels that this kind of life is what she should live, and she will never be wronged once she is born again. What they owe her, she will double to get it back.

Lin Ruoshan is very simple to make wine, just add a certain percentage of Lingquan to the wine made by others. She can easily complete the wine ordered by the county grandfather, and only wait until the time is delivered to the county grandfather's mansion.

She got the first bank note from Lin Fu and was very excited. Thinking of Lin Ruonan and Xu Zifan, she was deliberately dressed up and went to the garment shop next to Xu's house to buy clothes with her little sisters passing by the cloth shop.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the cloth shop, there was a lot of people in the cloth shop, and there were actually many people lining up to buy things. Lin Ruoshan was surprised: "What's going on? When did Xu's business become so good?"

The little sister said: "You don't know yet? I heard that it was your sister...Oh, it was Lin Ruonan who came up with it. Buying cloth heads, purses, shoe soles, and custom-made clothes for people, free of handwork. . Said to celebrate Xu Zifan's good health, one month discount."

Lin Ruoshan snorted, "She can't figure it out, how much does this have to pay? The Xu family will let her toss, not afraid to toss out the shop?" She pulled the little sister and said, "Go, let's go to the next door to buy. clothes."

The little sister embarrassed: "Um... Ruoshan, you know my family is not rich, my mother has already made clothes for each of us in Xu's house, I, I will not buy it."

Lin Ruoshan's eyes widened, "What? You buy clothes in Xu's house? Are you still my sister? How can you go to his house to buy them?" She threw away the little sister's hand and said angrily, "You are too much, right? Didn't I give you two sets of clothes before? Are you just short of clothes?"

When someone looked over, the little sister couldn't hold her face and was immediately annoyed, "Lin Ruoshan, you are too much. Now who doesn't know that you are too poor, love the rich, betray your faith and want to regret your marriage? In order to protect your reputation, you have pushed your sister out to marry. I want her to be a widow, and my heart is so bad. Do you think anyone besides me is willing to care for you? Who is rare for your two greasy clothes? I will pay you back, and we will go our own way in the future !"

Lin Ruoshan was startled by the meaning of her words. Before she could react, the little sister ran away, leaving her with strange eyes and pointers facing passers-by.

She took a deep breath and held her composure, but she heard someone say from behind: "That's her? It doesn't look very good. The little boss of the Xu family looks comfortable."

"Who says no, Ruonan is generous, and it makes people happy to look at her. You see that she is indifferent, she is also very gorgeous, and her eyes are not correct, otherwise she can't do that kind of thing."

"It's all raised by a father and a mother. Why is the gap so big? I heard that she had agreed to the marriage in the first place. When the family became wealthy, she turned her face back and refused to recognize her. She even pushed her sister out to marry her, and she would definitely suffer retribution in the future. "

"Tsk, even grandpa's savior is pitted, and his sisters are pitted. It's not a good thing. Her brother still looks down on the people in the village. Isn't their home coming out of the village?"

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