Chapter 483: The best boy in the street (2)

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Dadong brought five younger brothers, who came here to smash the place. As soon as he entered the door, he began to scan around, wondering where to start.

Xu Zifan walked towards Dadong, and the six people on the sofa immediately got up and followed him in a posture that they were going to fight.

Dadong had already seen Xu Zifan, showing a provocative expression. Xu Zifan said to the people around him when he was ten meters away, "Turn off the lights for ten seconds and play the most shocking dance music, and take them to the back alley. "

"Yes, Brother Fan!" Huizi, who was watching the nightclub, immediately used the walkie-talkie to convey Xu Zifan's order.

In the next second, the dance music rang loudly, and the audience plunged into darkness. The DJ controlled the field loudly. Not only did the guests not panic, they became even higher, with screams and laughter one after another.

It was to take advantage of this darkness that Xu Zifan appeared behind Dadong faintly, stunned with a hand knife, turned around and quickly solved his five younger brothers, and said coldly: "Take it away!"

His people took a photo with their mobile phones, and they were stunned, and hurriedly dragged them away. The hall was lit up, and they had already reached the edge. Everyone was playing. No one noticed what was happening, which didn't affect the mood at all.

When they arrived in the back alley, Huizi and the others threw Dadong and the others to the ground. Xu Zifan then came out smoking a cigarette and said, "Send them to the hospital for three months."

The few people became excited when they heard it, and first caught Dadong and started fighting. This is the best player in the Western District, and after a fight, he will have face when he says it out.

Huizi moved out the chair to Xu Zifan. Xu Zifan pointed out a place to put him there. After sitting down, he was hidden in the dark above his chest, and his lower body was exposed to the light source.

Da-dong woke up soon, his neck hurts and his brain was dizzy, but the sharp pain in his ribs made him wake up immediately. He reached out and grabbed a person's ankle and pulled it up. The person fell out of balance and fell, but he also fell. Taking a breath, a cold sweat broke out, and his rib was broken!

Several people found him awake and pressed him to the ground. Huang Mao, who was the most bluffing before, stepped on his face and said with a sneer: "You are crazy! Are you not the best at fighting? You are not going to talk alone. Pick our brother Fan? How come it's soft-footed shrimp? Get up!"

Dadong said angrily: "Let me go! You guys don't deserve to talk to me, tell Xu Zifan to come out! Xu Zifan! Xu Zifan, come out!"

Huang Mao retracted his foot, grabbed his hair, picked up his head and smashed him to the ground, shaking him up and down, and sneered: "You are a rookie who dare to ask Brother Fan to come out? Fart! Let me give you a lesson today, and I will come to the Eastern District to look for trouble in the future, and I will beat you once when I see you!"

Dadong's three ribs were broken, his arm was dislocated, and his two ankles were swollen so high. When a few people let go of him, he couldn't move. He watched as they went to clean up his little brothers. He was so angry that he yelled at him. After kicking, his little brothers all ended up similarly to him, howling ghostly.

Huang Mao ran to Xu Zifan to ask for credit, "Brother Fan, everything is packed."

A flat-headed tough guy who had not spoken stood next to Xu Zifan, bent down and said respectfully: "Brother Fan, I checked, their injuries will take at least three months."

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