Chapter 432: Seventy old father (15)

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Xu Shengnan jumped out of the car and ran ten meters away when he heard the word "snake", "Where is it? Where is the snake?"

The other two were also taken aback. The captain's daughter-in-law hurriedly said, "I'm wrong, it's the vine, mom and sister-in-law, don't be afraid." Then she pointed at Xu Shengnan in surprise, "Your feet are all right. Huh? Then why do you say Wei can't walk? Ask my sister-in-law to push you for so long, what do you mean Xu Shengnan?"

The captain's wife and her eldest daughter-in-law immediately turned their attention to Xu Shengnan, frowning and looking at her displeasedly, "Xu Shengnan, what are you going to be a demon? It's not that you are injured, you want to blame others. Huh?"

At this time, Xu Shengnan's face was pale, and pictures of being bitten by a snake that day appeared uncontrollably in her mind, which made her shiver a little, and her reaction was a little slow. She was stubborn for a long time without finding an excuse.

The captain's wife snorted coldly, and was unwilling to pay her attention, so she called the two daughters-in-law and went home.

Wang Baoguo and Song Xin were chatting. After asking about the causes and consequences, they almost guessed that it was Xu Shengnan. They were surprised when they saw the daughter-in-law and they came back in black face: "What's wrong? What about people?"

The captain's wife said coldly: "Don't mention it, it's Xu Shengnan, she didn't twist her foot at all, and she didn't know if she was trying to ruin someone or what happened. Comrade Song Xin, Xu Shengnan just jumped and ran happily, nothing happened. You can go back without worrying about it."

She didn't expect to go elsewhere. She thought that Xu Shengnan was in debt for seeing a doctor, and wanted to lose money. "Lao Wang, you can talk to her parents later. She owes a lot of money, but No one urges them to ask, why can't it be so bad, isn't this bad for the reputation of our fourth team?"

Wang Baoguo nodded solemnly, and said to Song Xin: "Comrade, I must deal with this matter seriously. Our four teams are not allowed to be kidnapped. I'm really sorry this time. You can eat here before leaving. "

"No, my family is still waiting for me. Since I'm fine, I'll leave." Although Song Xin was surprised, it didn't matter to him anyway, of course he left immediately.

Walking on the road, Song Xin suddenly remembered the name "Xu Shengnan"!

Isn't this Xu Shengnan, who was dizzy with grandpa, who led wild boars down the mountain, dressed up in a showy manner, and was full of lies and slandering people?

He shuddered suddenly, it turns out that he was cheated just now and almost got money wrong? Fortunately, he felt that what she had been wronged was very pitiful and weak, but he didn't expect it to be all fake!

Song Xin saw Xu Shengnan lower his head and run into the village. He immediately avoided hiding behind a tree. He saw that Xu Shengnan's feet had nothing to do with his feet. He ran fast, believed those rumors a little more, and quietly ran home.

He didn't conceal the least bit from his family, the Song family should be very enthusiastic about Xu Sheng's male. If Song Xin hadn't stopped him, Song's mother would still go to the Xu family to question. What kind of mess came to cheat her son? She had heard someone say that Xu Shengnan is pretty. This is a cheating of money with a face. As expected, those things are true. The poor Xu family was so angry that she was so angry. The old people have nothing to rely on.

Neighbors and friends who had a good time with Song Xin came to ask when he came back. Song Xin didn't want to say much, but Song Mu and Sister Song were so angry that they spread the matter to the fifth team in one noon.

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