Chapter 543: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (20)

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Xu Zifan picks up Lin Ruonan every day, and no one in the entire Anyang Manor knows how much he values ​​his wife. Originally, the officials of the official family tended to look down on the merchants, but because of Xu Zifan's outstanding character, he made many contacts with friends in the cultural community. Everyone gave him a lot of attention to Xu's father and Xu's mother, who raised him and the people who helped him take care of his family business. Lin Ruonan also took a high look, showing no respect for other merchants, and would take the initiative to say hello every time she met.

The more Lin Ruoshan had contact with his brothers, the more they understood. Only then did she discover that Xu Zifan's status was higher than she thought, and she couldn't help getting anxious because she hadn't found an official family willing to marry her as his wife.

However, Wang was dazzled by the prosperity of Anyang Mansion, and he privately agreed to the wife of a restaurant owner to marry Lin Ruoshan to his son as a concubine!

When Lin Ruoshan came home, she saw a lot of presents, many of which were pasted with red paper, which was very festive. Wang and Lin Yaozu were looking through them happily. She didn't care and asked casually, "Yaozu is going to make a wedding? Mother, is this the betrothal gift you prepared? A little bit more, which girl?"

Wang smiled so hard that he couldn't see the eye, "You think there are too many dowry gifts? This is just a little bit, and there will be more on the right day." She happily grabbed Lin Ruoshan, "How good is my mother to you? I asked you specifically A good relationship, Piaoxiang Restaurant is one of the top restaurants in Anyang Prefecture. Rijin Doujin, their boss will be a son, and the entire restaurant will be his own. If you marry, you will not worry about anything in the future! "

Lin Ruoshan's eyes widened suddenly, "What are you talking about? I'm married? Are you holding me back to give me a kiss? How dare you?!"

The Wang family became unhappy for a moment, "How do you say this girl? This marriage can't be found with a lantern, and the Qi family has agreed that you can continue to make wine and sell it to us in the future, without delaying our business. .At that time, not only will you be delicious and spicy, our family will also have a big backing in Anyang Mansion. This is a great thing to enjoy the glory and wealth, why are you still picky? Do you really think you are a **** and want to go to heaven? You these days Hanging out with those sons and brothers, is anyone willing to marry you?"

Lin Ruoshan shook her away embarrassedly, "What kind of gang? Don't say it so badly, I am getting to know more people for our family. How much money have I earned these days?"

Wang clanked his lips, "It's just that the girl didn't do what you did. You're not afraid of people gossiping, and I'm also afraid that you will affect Yaozu's marriage. Finally no one knows those things in the past, so if you go around, don't blame me. I have agreed to this family, you must marry if you marry, or you must marry if you don't."

Lin Ruoshan was so angry that she suddenly thought of something, and said in disbelief, "Isn't the son of the Qi family married? Are you really talking to the Qi family?"

With a guilty conscience, Wang turned to play with gifts. Lin Yaozu said impatiently: "Just because you want to marry the Qi family as a young lady, you too look down on yourself. Don't forget that you were just a village girl before. Qi family said, let's You are a concubine of the Liang family."

Wang said hurriedly: "Don't worry, Master Qi likes you, he will treat you well. You are so beautiful and capable, and you will have two sons then, even if the wife enters the door, you can't do anything to you. You just have to hold on firmly. Living in the heart of Master Qi is the result."

Lin Ruoshan stepped forward and overturned those gifts forcefully, "If you want to marry, marry yourself, I will not be a concubine if I die! I have worked so hard for my family, but you actually treated me like this, okay, I can get a drop of wine. If you don't make it, I see how you can live it!"

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