Chapter 537: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (14)

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Lin Ruoshan slumped on the ground, and instantly understood that Lin Fu didn't want her to marry, but threatened her with this, and wanted to get back the 50% of the profit she shared.

Despicable and shameless!

Lin Ruoshan clenched her fist tightly, thinking a lot in her mind, and finally bowed her head and agreed, "Don't worry, I will make good wine."

She had no choice but to agree, and she realized that Lin Fu was her support, and Lin Fu and Wang could marry her to anyone at any time. She couldn't resist the words of her parents' matchmaker.

What about Lingquan? Lingquan can't help her!

Lin Ruoshan finally faced her situation squarely. Although she was reborn, she could not play with everyone in her palms. She has a lot of restrictions, and she has to live with care after being reborn, as well as compromise with her parents.

During this period of time, she was so airy. The benefits brought to her by spirit wine made her forget about it and angered her family. I am afraid that life at home will not be easy in the future.

But it doesn't matter, she just needs to stay on top of herself for a while, and the Lin family will rely on her to make money by making wine, so she won't treat her badly. She can no longer care about others. In the days to come, she will work hard to find someone she can rely on, free from Lin Fu's control. At that time, for the grievances Lin Fu made her suffer today, she will all retaliate!

The scene of Xu Zifan and Lin Ruonan laughing at each other suddenly appeared in her mind, and Lin Ruoshan gritted her teeth with hatred. She couldn't figure out why, as Xu Zifan was a sick child, shouldn't he be anxious to learn that his wife has a close relationship? How could he report to the official so calmly? How can anyone report this to the official?

Obviously it was a very simple thing that was guaranteed to be successful. When she got to Xu Zifan's place, she went wrong, which made her fall short, and even suffered backlash, ruining her reputation.

Lin Ruoshan hated and feared, and decided not to provoke them for the time being. It will be easy for her to stand on a high place one day in the future, and then she will let them bear the shame several times more than her!

Lin Ruoshan used Lingquan to heal her injuries, so within two days she got up and went into the brewery to make wine. She also wanted not to drink Lingquan and sold it miserably, but the wound was so painful that she couldn't help drinking Lingquan, and it was useless to regret it.

The neighbors on the left and right heard the movement and sighed. The hands in the yamen were still too light. If they were a girl, they let them go. There was nothing wrong with hitting twenty boards. On the other hand, the guardian couldn't get out of bed even after hitting ten boards.

This word slowly spread. Although it didn't cause any impact, everyone felt that Lin Ruoshan had not been punished as it should, and that it had made her cheaper and had a worse impression of her.

Lin Ruoshan no longer goes out, concentrates on making wine, to please her parents, she does not hear things outside the window, but she is quite clean. It's just that the nightmares from time to time made her feel uncomfortable and afraid, and Lin Yaozu's provocations also made her hold her breath. When she didn't feel comfortable every day, the days of enjoying happiness just after rebirth were gone. She could only wait for the time to leave the Lin family.

If she didn't show up, the Xu family was settled down. The Xu family has always been kind to others, getting along well with others, and the days are calm.

The most important thing is that Xu Zifan's body is getting better day by day, which makes Xu father, Xu mother and Lin Ruonan all very happy. Xu's father and Xu's mother even regarded Lin Ruonan as the savior of their sons, and treated her like a daughter, so that Lin Ruonan was moved to treat them as biological parents. The family of four gradually changed during the day and night. Be more intimate, relaxed and happy.

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