Chapter 402: Unlucky stick (31)

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The three registered disciples were so excited that they were all awake, and they simply went back to the hotel together. Xu Zifan was afraid of being too unlucky and said that he needed to rest, and went back to his room to get into the space, preparing to practice and study in the space, and spend the night without a little apprentice. The three people were ready to do something enthusiastically.

"Have you found it? Let's see how it is now."

The three of them took their mobile phones and started to scan. Mo Jiani's agent and assistants just rushed over, and they were a little confused when they saw this. The agent reminded: "Jani, the team has been staring at it. This kind of ghost is not allowed in the hot search country, and it was withdrawn as soon as it was posted. The netizens just talked about it impliedly. There is no hammer for those problems. As long as you make good filming later, these will be treated as hype and ignore them."

Mo Jiani saw three on the hot search about her, the first is #莫佳妮吊威亚遇险#, the fifth is #莫影后精神况#, and the tenth is #《震魂》片场出事#.

At that time, there were a few supporting actors on the set, as well as many group performers and staff. They all saw the weird scene on the set. They were frightened and frightened. Of course, the incident spread.

But the machinery and equipment were broken. Everyone was afraid and no one thought of recording with their mobile phones. There was no evidence at all. Besides, everyone was shocked at the moment, and no one had the intention to stand up and elaborate. The hot searches on the Internet are nothing more than studio activity. It was too big to cause trouble, and most of it was just speculation.

If this matter is suppressed, and no matter how stable the filming is finished, no one will mention it. At most, it will be laughed off as a speculation by the crew. But Mo Jiani is now a person of Qingfeng View, and promised Xu Zifan to publicize it, so she can't take it lightly.

She first asked Jiang Dong to ask Jiang Tianxin what the police station would do.

When Jiang Tianxin heard that they wanted to have a clear statement, they approached Liao Cheng to communicate with the Hai City Police Department. The police station was also worried about how to get it through. After the two sides discussed it, they decided that it was too crazy to follow the harassment. Mo Jiani confessed again and was rejected. She was so embarrassed that she ran into the crew and tried to kill Mo Jiani, but unfortunately she fell to her death.

This not only hides the supernatural and terrifying part, but also restores the truth, giving a legitimate and reasonable reason for the unexpected incident on the set.

Mo Jiani got the quasi letter, and immediately edited and posted a Weibo.

[Mo Jiani V: Today is a thrilling day, but finally solved my troubles during this period, thank you @海市公安, thank the crew, thank my boyfriend Luo Chen and his good friends, but also thank you Ni fans who have always encouraged and supported me, thank you! Without you, I might no longer be there.

In addition, I am especially grateful to Qingfeng Guan, the Ping An Fu gave me great psychological comfort, allowing me to face everything bravely and strong. I hope everyone can find the sustenance of their souls when they are confused and be brave. [heart]】

Mo Jiani did not elaborate. Advertising is not superstition, but psychological comfort. However, the attached picture shows a photo of the safety charm. Obviously, this safety charm really means a lot to her, which makes it impossible to ignore. It can be said that every sentence on this Weibo is true, and every sentence reveals her carefulness.

Netizens are paying attention to her affairs. When the parties are speaking, they all flock to her. Once they refresh the message, they will be broken. Many people are asking her what the phrase "is gone" means, and what kind of danger she has encountered. This is obviously not a mental problem, and what's the matter with Qingfeng View?

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