Chapter 515: I'm a waste worth tens of billions (6)

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Xu Zifan piloted the spaceship starship to travel in space for a period of time, and found that there was no hypoxia and weightlessness. Human beings have developed into this era and their genes have adapted to the entire universe. This has brought him great convenience.

He can practice mechas and sail freely in space, and he can also practice and learn about the world in a starship. I don't know how fulfilling his life is.

At the same time, he also repaired his body. The physique of this body had fallen to F grade, but there were spiritual springs and cultivation techniques, which was not a problem at all.

Whose physique is as strong as that of a cultivator? After he is promoted, it will be easy for him to restore his physique to S grade, even if he exceeds the SSS grade, it is just around the corner.

Before reaching the top, he didn't plan to go back.

This day Xu Zifan was soaking in the spiritual spring of space to practice, and the starship also put the space-saving energy stone. Shaohua suddenly reminded: [Host, an airship appeared in the east, the damage of the ship was 60%...a small warship chased it, and it was attacking the airship...The airship was breached and the guards died. 】

Xu Zifan opened his eyes and looked at the virtual screen. Shaohua had already mapped the battle images outside the space.

Spaceships, like civil aviation, are used to transport people to other planets. Unlike warships, no matter how small a warship is, its offensive power cannot be underestimated. The small battleship outside was painted with a star thief pattern. This was a star thief robbery.

Xu Zifan didn't want to care about it, who knows that those star thieves did not count as robbing the property, and wanted to insult the woman on the airship!

He frowned, believing that his cultivation base he had just cultivated to the first level of Chaos Destiny must not be able to beat, but he is now at C-level physique, and his mental power far exceeds SSS-level. It is still possible to win by driving a mecha with the spell formation. .

The center of the space moved randomly, and the spell he needed immediately appeared in his hand. He logged into the mecha and rushed out of the space, and blasted a star thief who was pressing the girl into action.

The star thief's complexion changed and they logged into the mechas and attacked Xu Zifan, and the Star Pirates also directed gunfire at him.

Xu Zifan's mechas operate with clouds and flowing water, and flexibly shuttle between several mechas, using their bodies to keep cross-chase to block the gunfire of battleships.

The five thunder talisman, ice talisman, flame talisman, etc. in his hand were posted on several mechas in the jumping room.

The star thief in the battleship saw their companions suddenly spontaneously ignite, some were frozen, some somehow exploded and damaged the mecha...

Before the battleship was rescued, Xu Zifan started again.

His right arm of the mecha turned into a sharp knife, and he chopped off the head of a mecha with a single stab, grabbed the star thief inside like a chicken, and snapped his neck neatly.

When the other star thief saw this, the people in the battleship hurriedly turned on the amplification, and said angrily: "Who are you? We have no grievances and no grudges, don't get involved!"

Xu Zifan used a voice changer, and the electronic voice said: "If the road is uneven, we will walk for the sky."

After speaking, it was another knife, slashing the chest of a mecha, killing the star thief inside.

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