Chapter 520: I'm a waste worth tens of billions (11)

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In the middle of the night, the outer door of Xu Zifan's suite opened silently, and four people dressed in black walked in.

[Changsheng: Master, someone is here! 】

[Shaohua: Host, they have already identified them. They are members of the Marshal's Guards. The virtual screen is turned on. 】

Xu Zifan opened his eyes and saw the images of the four people appearing on the virtual screen. They were walking towards his bedroom. Xu Zifan turned over and said lazily, "Changsheng, don't show up, throw them out."

[Changsheng: The master looks at me! 】

Changsheng was extremely excited, and Shaohua usually helped the owner with things, but it was finally his turn this time. It maintained the appearance of a small snake, swiftly drilled out of the crack of the door, and opened its mouth to shoot four water arrows in the middle of the four-person door.

The four of them felt a pain on their faces, reached out their hands and touched the blood on their faces, and immediately took a defensive posture back to back in four directions, but they saw nothing.

The four of them looked at each other, and they all suspected Xu Zifan made high-tech defensive things. There is no siren, it is very likely that Xu Zifan is still asleep.

They were ordered to capture Xu Zifan alive. Although they sensed the crisis, they still wanted to continue their mission.

Changsheng's tail suddenly stretched out, as hard as a stick, and swept across their ankles fiercely. Two of them escaped. The other two were hit with severe pain in their ankles and fell to the ground screaming.

This time they understood that they were in an ambush, and they simply rushed forward and hit the direction of Changsheng.

Changsheng had already jumped behind them, and in the blink of an eye he sent out several water whips to bind them into mummies, and slammed them against the floor, knocking them unconscious. Then Changsheng sent them to the hotel roof altogether and let them blow the cold wind.

When it came back, Xu Zifan was already neatly dressed, driving the mecha to leave the hotel through the window.

Each floor of the hotel is guarded by one person, and there is also a quiet circle of soldiers outside the hotel.

At first glance, he didn't leave him with the slightest retreat. He was a double-F waste material, no family, no relatives or friends, but he had tens of billions of energy ore mines, and he had the method to make top mechas. It's like a three-year-old doll holding gold bricks, and powerful people want to take these good things for themselves.

The Marshal had previously been dissatisfied with his behavior of selling the energy stones at half a profit. This time the mecha was even more expensive, and he directly contacted the Marshal. Empire construction needs money, war needs money, directly control Xu Zifan, occupy his planet, and force him to talk about mecha manufacturing methods, wouldn't it be much easier?

Xu Zifan learned about the imperial political system and the selfish character of the marshal as early as when he was investigating the incriminating evidence of the Xu family and the Feng family. He was prepared for this.

He affixed the Celestial Stealth Talisman on the mecha and flew over them easily, unimpeded all the way, and smoothly broke through the border defense line.

Then he changed into the space starship and appeared openly on the edge of the capital star.

Xu Zifan turned on the starship speaker and said with a faint smile: "Capital Star probably is in conflict with me. Even the presidential suite can be invaded by Xiao Xiao. I'll go back to my own planet to be safe. As for the business that has not been negotiated, forget it, I want to come to others. The country will be very interested and go."

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