Chapter 565: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (13)

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Chen was originally waiting for the bridal chamber Huazhu to complete the system task. This is a key point of the beloved concubine's task. Who would have thought that Xu Zifan hadn't entered her room at all, and she couldn't express any dissatisfaction, otherwise, wouldn't she have an opinion on Xu Zifan's help?

The Chen family was so wronged, and when Xu Zifan returned to the mansion, he sent someone to invite him, saying that Chen was uncomfortable, and asked Xu Zifan to come over and take a look.

Xu Zifan thoughtfully said, "Is the concubine side uncomfortable? She was ill for a long time before she got married, so I think it is a long-term illness. This king still has to treat his father, so he cannot go to the concubine side to get sick. Hu Feng, please ask the imperial physician to see the concubine. With the best medicine, the concubine must be cured."

"Yes, the prince." Hu Feng lowered his head and almost didn't laugh. The prince was really getting more and more playing tricks.

Chen's maid wanted to stop him anxiously, but couldn't think of a suitable explanation, and watched Xu Zifan walk away with his back. Soon after, Chen waited for a serious old lady.

Hu Feng has already hinted to the old lady what Xu Zifan meant. After examining Chen's pulse, the old lady said categorically: "The side concubine is sick and weak, and she should take a rest in a quiet place and at least three The month will get better. The minister then prescribes two prescriptions, one in the morning on an empty stomach and the other in the evening before going to bed. The medicine may be a bit bitter, but the good medicine is bitter, so you must take it on time."

Chen's face was astonished, "Doctor, what did you say? I'm not sick!"

The old lady frowned and said solemnly: "The concubine and the empress must not neglect the body. The minister will truthfully report the matter to the prince."

After Hu Feng and other old doctors had prescribed the prescription, they immediately took him away, and ordered the servants to take good care of Chen, and she must be allowed to rest in peace. The Chen family only brought two maids and one mother. The courtyard was full of people from the palace. Naturally, Hu Feng said what he said. Chen wanted to chase out and found that he couldn't even leave the courtyard.

She eagerly shouted: "Hu Feng! What are you doing? How dare you put me under house arrest?"

Hu Feng bowed in surprise: "Side concubine, how dare you be under house arrest? It's just that the prince has to go to the palace every day to wait for illness. It is absolutely impossible for you to get sick. This is a big one. Please forgive me if you look at the concubine on the side. Don't worry, the concubine on the side will report to the prince and ask the prince to arrange."

"Hu Feng, you--that's a quack, I'm not sick!"

"Side concubine, the little one is following the prince. I have known that you have been unwell for a long time, you... alas." Hu Feng stopped talking, sighed and shook his head and left. But the unfinished words clearly meant that the Chen family made trouble unreasonably, ignored the emperor's safety, and was not afraid to pass the sickness to the prince. It was too sensible.

Chen's heart hurts with anger. She has a concubine system in her body. Does she know if she is sick? The old lady is absolutely dim-eyed, or someone has harmed her. The first thing Chen thought of was the princess!

Three years ago, when the concubine was born prematurely, she had fallen out with the princess, and the princess would definitely hate her. Now that she is married into the palace again, who doesn't the woman in the palace know that she is the prince's beloved? Wouldn't you just seize the opportunity to severely hurt her?

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