Chapter 576: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (7)

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After a few people discussed, they decided that Xu Zifan and Han Siyu would stay. Wenhui stayed and took care of them because they were ordinary people. The others went out to collect food, and by the way, they could find a car.

When making preparations, Xu Zicheng asked Han Sitong, "I heard Fanfan said, you used to be a shooting club, and your marksmanship were accurate?"

Han Sitong regretfully said: "It's useless, I have a gun but no bullets."

Xu Zifan suggested: "We can go to the police station to collect more weapons and ammunition, so that the combat effectiveness is stronger and everyone can be much safer."

The regulations said while tying their trouser legs, "How can it be so easy? There are many policemen and prisoners in the police station. The doors, drawers, and cabinets are all locked. It is hard to get in. It is even harder to find something and return it safely. Nothing else. I found it and lost my life."

Xu Zifan shrugged, "How can it be easy in this world? You have to take some risks if you want to survive. I think you and Dapeng are both the first-level water system ability, you can only condense a bucket of water every day, and you can't use the ability to attack the zombies. This is very unfavorable. With weapons, at least you can shoot remotely, stay away from the zombies, and reduce the chance of being bitten."

Wenhui's face paled and took the charter's arm, her voice was soft and weak, "Acheng, don't go, if something happens to you, what should I do?"

Xu Peng sarcastically said, "Why don't you let the regulations stay with you all the time, as long as you don't call him hungry."

Wen Hui immediately lowered her head and retreated behind the charter. The charter frowned and said, "Dapeng."

Xu Peng snorted coldly, walked to ask Han Siyu if he wanted anything, and stopped paying attention to them.

Han Sitong put his travel bag on his back and thought: "The police station should be visited, but safety is the first thing. So let's find the police station to investigate the situation. If it is feasible, we will go in and find something. If it is not feasible, we will find another way. "She paused, and then said, "But if we don't take this risk, we won't have much combat effectiveness and may not be able to reach the base safely. Xu Zifan and Xu Zicheng have no obligation to protect our safety."

Wenhui was stunned, and said in amazement, "Sister Tong, aren't they people you know? Should we walk together clearly and ignore each other?"

Han Sitong said nonchalantly: "You don't want to ignore each other, but helping is a good intention, not an obligation. Even if you don't save it, there is nothing to blame. The world has changed, and your own life is the most important thing. They are not familiar with us. "

Wenhui's mood became very low, her eyes flushed, "Sister Tong, I understand what you mean. This world is so desperate, I really don't know when this will happen. I'm sorry everyone, I don't know anything. I can't do anything, it's a hindrance for you, I'm really sorry."

The regulations hugged her and patted her on the back, "Don't be sad, no one wants to be like this. You used to be a pampered lady, how can you learn everything when you reach the end of the world? Take your time, there is me." He said After looking at Han Sitong, she said coldly, "Sister Tong, Wenhui doesn't mean to force others to save her. She is just pure-hearted, thinking that everyone is together and will depend on each other. I will protect her and not drag everyone down."

This is almost accusing Han Sitong of bullying Wenhui. Xu Zicheng happened to stand beside Han Sitong. He glanced at the articles of association and Wenhui and said: "Everyone understands it is best. Han Sitong is right. My brother and I won't save him. People, my brother hurt his leg. We can't control others. If we want to live, we will work hard and hope that others will only die faster. Let's set off now and stay if we don't want to leave."

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