Chapter 545: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (22)

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Lin Ruonan's gentle and atmospheric appearance made Wang's attitude full of calculations. With just a few words, it was not difficult for everyone to guess who was right and who was wrong. Especially when Xu Zifan and Lin Ruonan's character and temperament were there in the past, people naturally favored them.

However, the Lin family's previous farce that provokes the Qi family has made people watch a lot of jokes. At this time, it must be that something unpleasant happened to the Lin family and the Xu family. The Xu family did not recognize this relative, and even Lin Ruonan's grandfather adopted her. He personally came forward to support her. No matter how you look at it, the Lin family has a problem.

Lin Ruonan left, but the customers were all curious. They picked up the cloth and talked, and they had to say a few words when they went home. Finally, they met someone who had been to Shuixi Town, and they all thought about the grievances between the Xu family and the Lin family. All the complaints were said, and the gossip left in Shuixi Town swept Anyang Mansion like a tornado.

Lin Ruonan chased him to the house temporarily rented by Lin's family. Lin Fu's face was earthy, and Lin Yaozu's expression was good. It was obvious that the couple really loved their son, and everything good was given to him.

Lin Fu broke his face when he saw Old Man Lin, and bowed his head dejectedly, "Father..."

Old man Lin snorted, "Look at what virtue you have mixed up? I tell you to keep your feet on the ground and stop thinking about those crooked ways. How many stupid things did you do with me? Are you done well? You have a face. Looking for Nan Nan? What did you do to Nan Nan? What, now that her life is better, I want to **** her blood like a leech? I tell you, don't even think about it. If you have me for a day, don't you I want to have something to do with Nan Nan!"

Lin Fu held back his anger and said, "My youngest daughter didn't recognize me, and went to Beijing alone to enjoy the blessing. My eldest daughter also didn't recognize me. She couldn't even bear to give me food. Dad, you still help her. Am I your son? ?"

"You asked for it! Go home with me, and throw your embarrassment into your house. If you go around, no one will collect your corpse after you die that day!" Old man Lin made the decision directly and said without rebuttal.

Lin Yaozu immediately jumped out and choked, "I won't go back! How can it be better to go back to the poor village in Fucheng? Grandpa, what is your heart?"

Old man Lin stared at him coldly, "What's your heart? Save your heart. Do you have food to eat in Fucheng? Can you survive? Good days, but you have to toss about it. Now that the family is gone, you are still screaming. What? Your parents won't teach you, so you'll be detained in the school when you go back, and stay away from outside."

"I don't! Don't care about me. My sister and brother-in-law are here. If they don't care about me, I will go to the street to make trouble, and let everyone see how unfeeling they are." Lin Yaozu can't bear to become a village from a young master. Boy, glared at Lin Ruonan who entered the door and shouted.

Lin Ruonan said indifferently: "Just go, even if I go to the Lord, I will go out and marry someone, don't worry about the life and death of the three of you. I heard that you provoke the Qi family a while ago, and were not cleaned up? Don't blame me. Ruthless, I really want to annoy me. In this city, I want to clean up three people easily."

Wang pointed at her incredulously, "You--how dare you? Dad, what do you listen to your granddaughter? She was also raised by us for so many years. She has fed her and dressed her for so many years. Even if we are ungrateful, we still have to clean up?"

Lin Ruonan curled up her lips mockingly, "The dowry my mother brought in back then is enough to raise me for all these years? Is the brewing recipe that the Lin family got from, use me to remind you? You can't be too shameless, really If you want to tear your face, you must also try to see if your egg can break the stone."

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