Chapter 582: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (13)

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Xu Zicheng drove away for a while and squinted his eyes in the rearview mirror. "They always keep such a distance from us. It's not like going back to base, but like following us."

Changsheng looked at Xu Zifan, and not far ahead was where they wanted to find the chance. Xu Zifan looked back, "Brother, stop first, I'll go down and ask."

"Go together." Xu Zicheng crossed the car in the middle of the road and got out of the car with a gun first.

Xu Zifan and others all followed, lined up and looked quite shocking.

The five people stopped in front of them, and the person who bought the medicine earlier came down and laughed: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Xu Zifan asked: "Why do you follow us?"

"No, let's go." After the man saw Xu Zifan and they were expressionless, they didn't speak or move, so he looked at them with a gun, and put a smile away, and said, "Some of us are injured. I think you are very strong. Strong, I hope to be on the same route and return to the base safely."

Xu Zifan asked Changsheng to come to the front and said coldly: "In the last days to survive for so long, I believe you should be aware that it is very impolite to follow others without permission, and it is very likely to be shot. I can't help but suspect that you are shooting Ideas for herbs and food."

The man waved his hand hurriedly, "No, no, really no."

"Then don't follow us, we won't go to the base, we won't go along the way. Please." Xu Zifan lifted his chin, Changsheng a tail knocked down a tree!

The sound of the big tree crashing to the ground was shocking. The five people looked at each other, negotiated a few words, and drove past them to the front.

Xu Zifan and the others waited until the car was nowhere to be seen before driving off. The place they were going was indeed not the road to the base. After turning at the fork, they saw a valley. The place where Changsheng was arranged was in the valley.

Xu Zifan said: "Let's go to the valley and have a look. Maybe there is a suitable mutant plant to collect some seeds, so Yang An can try to use the mutant plant to fight. Then look for wild fruits, we try to store as much as possible. Fresh food."

"Okay, if you don't tell me, I haven't noticed a valley here with so many vines blocking it. It is estimated that no one has gone in. There should be a lot of things to pick. Let's go." Han Siyu was in a good mood and pulled Han Sitong down. The car pierced the zombies in front with a soil cone.

There are quite few zombies here. They put the car into the space, and Yang An removed the vines at the entrance of the valley to expose the entrance, allowing everyone to enter the valley smoothly. Later, he carefully spawned many vines, densely covering the valley mouth.

Not long after they entered, the five people who had left before drove to chase them. They passed the valley and drove for a while, but they still couldn't find them, so they had to give up and go back the same way.

[Shaohua: Host, the five people are gone, and the direction is to go to the C city base. 】

[Changsheng: Master, what are they going to do? Do you really want to grab our medicine and food? 】

[Xu Zifan: I don't know, maybe it is, or just want to make friends. We have important things to do. They have nothing to do with us, so don't care. However, I don't like their behavior, and their character will not be the type I like. 】

[Changsheng: Yes, what do you want to say openly, sneakily following us to do? Master, the Lingquan Pool is in front of you, and in the cave next to the pool is the exercise you asked me to perform. 】

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