Chapter 555: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (3)

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The fifth prince was taken aback for a moment, and frowned displeased, "What escaped into the empty door? I think you have a lot of wives, concubines and children."

"Don't dare to compare with the fifth brother, Xiyun just fell into the water yesterday, and the younger brother missed him, so he left. As for other women, the younger brother does not want to enter the mansion again, and hope that the father will no longer give people." Xu Zifan Slightly sad, he bowed his hands and left.

The fifth prince was confused by what he said. Then the father of the Liu family is Shang Shu of the household department. Xu Zifan really does not want to marry the Liu family? If they didn't connect in private, why did Liu make a fuss at home? Do you really like his sixth brother?

The five princes laughed mockingly. Which one of the descendants of the family and the noble lady in Beijing is not a family marriage? As long as Xu Zifan had no intention, he would not believe that the Liu family could allow Liu to marry. As for Xu Zifan, who can't manage his backyard well, what can he do? Not to worry.

Only the Liu family and the fifth prince knew the news of Liu's repentance of their marriage. If this kind of thing came out, it would be bad for anyone, Liu's still not so mindless. However, the five princes in the previous life were imprisoned for a lifetime, and she and her family also lived through the hardships. How could she marry the fifth princes again?

Now that she knows that the sixth prince is the final winner, she must marry the sixth prince and let the family gain a share of the dragon's merits. Besides, she wants to cultivate immortality, the dragon spirit on the emperor is most beneficial to her, and marrying the future emperor is the best choice.

Liu knew that Xu Zifan was very good and she would be able to do what she really wanted, so she decided to show her good to Xu Zifan in private. As long as Xu Zifan wanted to marry her, she would be able to solve all the trouble perfectly and prevent this matter from making a big deal.

So Xu Zifan walked home halfway and was stopped by someone, "The prince, the maidservant is from Liu Shangshu's house, my lady invites you to the teahouse."

Xu Zifan was also very interested in Liu's body with the system of cultivating immortals, so he left with the maid to the teahouse.

Liu's has been entrained into the body, nourished by spiritual energy, and his beauty has become a bit more beautiful. She dressed up, and saw Xu Zifan smile and salute softly, "The courtier sees the prince."

Xu Zifan bypassed her and walked aside to sit down, "Little Fifth Sister-in-law, don't need to be polite. I wonder why Little Fifth Sister-in-law is looking for this king?

Liu's smile stiffened, and immediately showed a bitter expression, and he stopped talking, "The prince, the courtier...I, I want to thank the prince for saving his life. Five years ago, when I was in the paddock, I almost died. The prince saved me. I always keep this kindness in my heart, thinking that one day maybe I can repay the prince, who knows..."

Liu gave enough reasons for her to please Xu Zifan. It was true that the original owner had saved her, but the situation was not that serious at the time and would not die. The original owner also ordered his servants to save and did not personally come forward. Xu Zifan waved his hand, "With the help of your hand, my fifth sister-in-law does not care. Besides, you will marry your fifth brother as a side concubine soon. If this king saves you, you will also save your family. You don't need to see outsiders. But you are reminding you to mention this. My king, my king should go to my fifth brother and ask for a good thing."

Liu's mouthful of his "fifth brother" and "little five sister-in-law" deserved enough, she hinted so obvious, can he not see that she pleases him?

She added another code, "The prince was joking. No wonder my father admires the prince so much. I only know at first sight today that the prince is so kind."

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