Chapter 492: Can't afford this green plum (1)

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As a national-protected hacker, Xu Zifan has a very free life in his entire life. There is no shortage of money, no time, and a group of brothers. He spends his life happily, like on vacation. Leaving that world, he went directly to the next world.

This time Xu Zifan woke up quietly in his room. He sat up and looked around and found that it was a modern room with a well-off level. The special thing was that there were two hair loops on the table and an aqua blue mobile phone. The shell, the style is what girls use, but it doesn't feel like the intimacy left by a girlfriend.

Xu Zifan learns about the world while getting dressed. The original owner is twenty-eight years old. He is a flat model. He looks handsome, has a good figure, sings well and can also play guitar. He can be said to be a very attractive sunny boy. Very good, but I just can't find a girlfriend.

It's almost 30, and the family has been urging marriage. He also deliberately paid attention to the opposite **** and hoped to develop, and finally met a nice girl. He was very moved, and the girl also agreed to his pursuit, but it didn't take long for them to quarrel frequently, because the original owner had a green plum neighbor who grew up together.

The neighbor of the original owner is Yue Lingling. She lost her parents before the college entrance examination at the age of 18. She is the only one left. Because of her closeness to the Xu family, she is inevitably dependent on the Xu family. Xu's father and Xu's mother also pity the little girl who watched her grow up and took good care of her. She even called them Father Xu and Mother Xu, the original master Fan.

Yue Lingling looks good-looking, has a big-hearted personality, loves to play and laugh. The original owner grew up with her and went to the same school. She has long been used to multiple sisters around her. When Yue Lingling has something to do with him, he must be bound to help. Solve, after all, she is already an orphan.

The two of them lived in the provincial capital, the university was in the local area, and they also stayed in the local area after graduation. So when the original owner was 28 years old, he still lived with his parents, and Yue Lingling was still his neighbor.

In college, many people misunderstood that they were a pair. The original owner laughed and said "how is it possible" every time, and Yue Lingling also waved his hand every time and said "this is my buddy". Their mode of getting along has been fixed and has not changed for so many years. Is a relative.

But the original owner has made a girlfriend, and the girlfriend is naturally unhappy, so he must keep the original owner and Yue Lingling away. The original owner couldn't understand. He didn't like Yue Lingling, and he didn't do anything to sorry his girlfriend. He didn't feel wronged, and of course he didn't want to alienate him somehow.

Yue Lingling didn't do anything wrong and treated him like a brother. Why did he hurt Yue Lingling like this? His girlfriend broke up with him directly.

Yue Lingling was very self-blaming, asked him to apologize, accompany him to drink and vent, then ask a group of friends to accompany him to play, let friends help pay attention to good girls to introduce him. A few months later, the original owner had another girlfriend, and he paid special attention to not being so close to Yue Lingling, but the situation remained the same. The conflict between the girlfriend and Qingmei was very sharp.

The original owner can't figure it out very much. Qingmei is like a sister. She is an orphan and a neighbor he grew up with. She exists like his parents' goddaughter, and Yue Lingling also took the initiative to help him chase his girlfriend. , Asking friends to help assist, the two of them are boring to each other, why does the girlfriend have to force him to abandon a relative?

Yue Lingling moved after learning about their contradiction and moved to the other side of the city. This made the original owner feel very awkward. He always felt that his girlfriend was too stingy and a bit unreasonable. He had to misunderstand his relationship with Yue Lingling, but in the end he liked it. As for the girlfriend, the matter is over. He also alienated Yue Lingling silently to avoid conflicts from happening again, hoping to live well with his girlfriend in the future.

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